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How to verify that KNM have access to remote registry service

  1. Logon to the KNM host machine using the Windows account used to monitoring
  2. Start the 32 bit version of the perfmon.exe application. This file is located in the SysWOW64 directory on a 64 bit host machine.
  3. Connect to the monitored machine and add a counter.

If this test fails, Network Monitor will not succeed in enumerating and sampling counters on the monitored machine.

  1. Check that firewall is opened for Remote Administration in the correct profile.
  2. Make sure the Remote registry service is running on the monitored machine
  3. Verify that the account is allowed to access the performance counter hive. See
  4. If its a standalone Vista/7 machine (not in a domain) you have to disable UAC to prevent it from filtering out the credentials. See
  5. If counters are missing, and you have verified that the same counters are missing in the performon.exe tool, the performance counter library might need to be rebuilt. See
  6. If counters still are missing the counters may be published by a 64 bit dll, Network Monitor is a 32 bit application and cannot yet read 64 bit counter values. User have either to install a 32 bit version of the dll or use WMI to query the counter.