The Invoice tab sets defaults and global settings for your invoices.
Invoice Number Prefix - Specifies the default prefix for new invoices.
Invoice Starting Number - Specifies the default starting number for new invoices.
Issue Invoice on - When an invoice is issued. You can override this default setting in the header of a contract.
Beginning of Billing Cycle - Invoices are created in advance and will appear in the Billing review folder on the first day of the month or quarter.
End of Billing Cycle - Invoices are created in advance and will appear in the Billing review folder on the last day of the month or quarter.
Post T&M Entries
Only Approved - Only approved timesheet entries and expense entries are posted to billing.
All - All timesheet entries and expense entries are posted to billing.
Post Zero Entries - If Yes, zero value hours are posted for fixed price and recurring services on the Finance > Billing Review > Labor Hours and Recurring Services pages.
Bill Zero Value Items - If Yes, show zero value items in billing pages. If No, hide them.
Use Classes - In QuickBooks Desktop version, you can create classes that you assign to transactions. These classes enable you to track account balances by department, business office or location, separate properties, or by any other meaningful breakdown of your business. Use classes are maintained using the Admin > Finance > Class List page.
Show VAT Number - If Yes, a VAT identifier displays on printable documents.
VAT Number Text - Specifies the string portion of the VAT identifier shown on printable documents.
VAT Number - Specifies the numerical portion of the VAT identifier shown on printable documents.
Billing End Date - Sets the default number of days or months into the future future date shown by the Default End Date search field on the Finance > Billing Review page. This same change also applies to the To Date search field on the Finance > Billing page.
Invoice Title - Customizes the title at the top of the invoice. The default is 'Invoice'.
Notes to clients - Any notes entered here will display on all invoices generated from the Finance module.