The Manage Mailboxes page maintains configuration settings for email parsers. Each active email parser converts incoming email into support tickets. Email messages are parsed into separate elements, then each element is mapped to the appropriate field of a new service desk ticket. With the email parser you can:
Create new tickets from emails sent to
Add attachments from emails to the ticket
Auto notify the sender of the success or failure of ticket creation
Auto assign the ticket to a queue
Take email responses from customers and add it as note to an existing ticket
Review "unknown" submissions and convert them to tickets or discard them using the Service Desk > Unknown Tickets page.
Email Submitted by Employees
Email parsers create tickets using the internal client account when the email is submitted by an employee that has no contact record. When a new ticket is created using the email address of both an employee and a contact, the new ticket is associated with the client account of the contact. Subsequent replies to tickets using an email address shared by a contact and employee are added as employee notes and not as client notes.
Logs and Notifications
Use the Logs tab to help troubleshoot issues with processing inbound emails using an email parser. The Notifications tab specifies who to notify for different types of email parser events.
Creating Email Parsers
Select the Admin > Service Desk > Email Parser page.
Click New.
Enter the following fields in the Basics section.
Mailbox Name
Note: Aliases for inbound email addresses are not supported.
User Name
Status - Active or InActive
Add Attachments to Tickets - Yes or No
Enter the following fields in the Defaults tab. These are the default values for the ticket created from email.
Primary Assignee
Ticket Type
Ticket Note Type
Enter the following fields in the IMAPs tab.
Incoming Mail Server - Must be an IMAP server. POP is not supported.
Server Port Number - Defaults to a value based on the encryption type selected.
Encryption Type - SSL, TLS or Non-Encrypted
Search Folder - Optionally specify a different email folder to check for new inbound email. Defaults to Inbox.
Enter the following fields in the Notifications tab > Notify Sender section.
On Success Template
On Failure Template
Reply to
Sender - Sends reply email only to the sender of the original inbound email.
All (CC) - Sends reply email to all email recipients, including recipients copied (CC) on the original inbound email.
Note: Email templates are maintained using the Admin > Business Process > Email Templates page.
Enter the following fields in the Notifications tab > Notify Internal Resources section.
On Success Template
Notified Internal Resources - Select one or more employees.
Notified Others - Email recipients.
On Failure Template
Notified Internal Resources - Select one or more employees.
Notified Others - Email recipients.
Enter the following fields in the Black List tab. Ignores email sent from these addresses.