The Recurring Master Tickets page creates a series of "child" tickets for a recurring support issue. For example, a maintenance service call might be required on a recurring basis for a hardware asset.
You can create a series of service calls, with each service call linked to its own child ticket.
You can link a recurring master ticket to a contract. When you do, each child ticket will be linked to that contract.
Once the recurring master ticket is saved the first time, defaults on the Defaults tab cannot be changed.
You can select any created child ticket from the Tickets tab of the recurring master ticket.
You can create additional child tickets by extending the recurring time period on the Recurrence tab. This is the only recurrence setting you can change.
Creating New Recurring Master Tickets
Select the Service Desk > Recurring Master Tickets page.
Click New.
Enter the following in the Defaults tab.
Main Branch
Primary Assignee
Issue Type
Sub-Issue Type
Ticket Type
Work Type
Due Time
Estimated Hours
Affected Hardware Asset
Affected Software Asset
Ticket Details
Select the Recurrence tab. Specify how many tickets to create in the series and the interval between them.
Start Date
End After <N> occurrences
End On
Recurrence - A recurrence can only be modified if it's incremental.
Repeats - Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Repeats <periods>
Repeats every<N> <periods>
for weekly Repeat on
Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
for monthly Repeat on
Day <N> of the month
The <N> <weekday> of the month
for yearly Repeat on
Every <calendar_month> <day_of_month>
The <N> <weekday> of <calendar_month>
Select the Service Calls tab. Optionally create service calls, one for each ticket in the series.
Create service calls - Yes or No
Start Time
End Time
Click the Custom Fields tab.
Enter values in the custom fields, as appropriate for this record.
Custom fields for the TicketRecurringMaster module are maintained using the Admin > My Company > Custom Fields page.
Click Save.
Click the new Tickets tab added to the recurring master ticket.
A series of child tickets are listed.
Click each ticket to view or work that individual ticket.
If service calls were created for each ticket, click the Service Calls & To-Dos tab inside the individual ticket to see it listed.
If a service contract was added to the recurring master ticket, each individual ticket is linked to this same contract.