The Dispatch Calendar page provides a calendar view of all employee scheduled Vorex™ events. Event types can include:
Service Calls
Employee calendar filtering - By default you see your own calendar and the calendars of all subordinate employees that report to you. You filter the list of employee calendars displayed by:
Event Type
Employee calendar time selection - Change the scale of calendar time displayed using the Day, Work Week, Month, Timeline options. You can also jump to a date by using the date picker.
Add appointments - Click a date for a single employee to add a new appointment.
Start Time
End Time
Recurrence - Click to enter recurring appointment options.
Dispatch Actions - Click this link to display:
Dispatch Only - Displays only employee dispatch calendars.
View Tickets - Displays a ticket search list. Select a view to filter the ticket list.
Adding Service Calls to Tickets - When View Tickets is selected, you can drag and drop a specific ticket on to an employee's calendar date. Doing so opens the service call dialog. Enter additional details for the service call, then click Save. The new service call now displays in the Dispatch Calendar, employee's My Service Calls page, and in the corresponding ticket.