The Pending Approvals page approves signed agent procedures, enabling them to be run using the Schedule / Create page, or selected and run elsewhere throughout the VSA.
Signed Agent Procedures
A signed agent procedure helps detect unauthorized changes to an agent procedure. Unsigned agent procedures cannot be run anywhere in the VSA.
An agent procedure is digitally signed when it is saved by any user using the agent procedure editor.
Signed agent procedures created by standard users require approval using the Pending Approvals page.
Only users who are using a role that provides access rights to the Pending Approvals page can manually approve pending, signed agent procedures.
Agent procedures imported by standard users are signed but not yet approved.
Automatically Signed and Approved Agent Procedures
Agent procedures are automatically signed and approved when they are:
Created by master role users.
Imported by master role users.
In the database when the VSA is upgraded to 7.0.
Approve Procedure - Approves selected signed agent procedures.
Refresh - Refreshes the page.
Table Columns
Script Name - The name of the agent procedure.
Modified By - The user who last edited the agent procedure.
Date Modified - The date/time the agent procedure was last modified.
Location - The location of the agent procedure in the agent procedure folder tree.