The Manage Credentials page specifies credentials by organization and machine group. These can be referenced by a VSA user when accessing a machine or device. Optionally include a note with each credential. Use the View Assets page to specify credentials by individual machine or device.
Agent Credentials
If the asset is an agent machine, a credential can be optionally used as the source credential for an agent credential in a Policy Management policy. If multiple credentials are defined for a machine, then the most local level defined has precedence: by individual machine, by machine group, or by organization. At any one level, only one managed credential can be designated the source credential for an agent credential. A managed credential is created when a user runs the Systems Management Configuration Setup Wizard for an organization.
Middle Panel Columns
Rows are sorted by organization, then machine group, then machine ID.
(Level) - Identifies the row as an organization , a machine group or a machine ID .
Name - The name of the organization, machine group or machine ID.
Credentials - Displays a key if at least one credential is specified for that row.
Right Panel Actions
Select an organization or machine group before performing these actions.
New / Edit - Specifies a credential.
Description - A one line description for the credential.
Username - The username.
Password - The password.
Domain - The domain of the credential, if one exists.
Set as agent credential - Only one credential for this organization or machine group can be designated the source credential for an agent credential.
Create account - Check to create a new user account on the managed machine.
as Adminstrator - Check to create the new user account with administrator privileges.
Local user account - Select this option to use a credential that logs into this machine locally, without reference to a domain.
Use machine's current domain - Create a credential using the domain name this machine is a member of, as determined by the latest audit.
Specified domain - Use the domain specified above.
Notes - Optionally include a note with the credential. Use the edit toolbar to add images and special formatting to the text. Images must be uploaded rather than copied and pasted in.
- Hyperlink selected text. You may need to reset links copied and pasted from another source.
- Insert a table.
- Insert a horizontal line as a percentage of the width, or set a fixed width in pixels.
- Indent text.
- Outdent text.
- Remove formatting.
- Insert a symbol.
- Insert an emoticon.
- Preview the display of text and images.
- Upload a file or image.
- Set selected text to subscript.
- Set selected text to superscript.
- Toggle full screen mode for editing and viewing.
Delete - Deletes a select credential.
Table Columns
Username - Username of the credential.
Password - Password of the credential.
Domain - Domain of the credential, if applicable.
Inherited From - The level the credential is inherited from. Credentials can be inherited from a higher level organization or machine group.