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Monitor Log

The Monitor Log page displays the agent monitoring object logs in chart and table formats.

Machine ID.Group ID

Click a machine ID link to display log data for all monitor sets assigned to that machine ID. The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes. If no machine IDs display use Monitor > Assign Monitoring to apply monitor sets to machine IDs.

Select monitoring object to display information

The page displays a list of monitoring objects assigned to the selected machine ID.


Select a counter object by clicking the View link. The selected row is bolded. A selected row displays either as a chart or table.

Note: If a monitoring object cannot be represented by a chart, only the table view is available.

Expand Icon

Click the expand icon to display details about a monitoring object.

Refresh Data

Click the refresh icon to refresh data when no values display. Applies to non-responsive monitoring.

If your monitor doesn't show any log values, verify the following:

  1. Check the sample interval of the counter object. Once a monitor set is deployed counters return values to the monitor log using their specified sample interval. Wait for the sample interval plus the agent check-in interval for the first value to come back.
  2. If there are no values returned, check Counter Thresholds for the Monitor Counter commands.  If no values on the monitored machine or device meet the collection threshold they will not be inserted into the monitor log.

If a monitor isn't responding, the log displays the message Monitor Not Responding. There can be several reasons for no response from the monitor:


The type of monitor object: counter, process or service.

Monitor Set Name

The name of the monitor set.

Object Name

The name of the monitor object.

Last Value

The last value reported.

Bar Chart / Table

Select the Bar Chart or Table radio option to display data in either format. Only monitor objects of type Counters can be displayed in bar chart format.

Start Date / Display Last

Display log data for the last number of intervals selected since the specified date. If no date is specified, the current date is used. For example, if you select Display Last 500 minutes, each bar in the chart represents 1 minute.

Save View

You can save the Display Last value for a specific monitor object.

Log rows per Page

These fields only display in Table format. Select the number of rows to display per page.

Display Value Over / Under Value

These fields only display in Table format. Filter the table rows displayed by filtering log data that is over or under the value specified.


Click the refresh button after making filter changes.

Select Page

This buttons display only if Table format is selected. When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the and buttons to display the previous and next page. The drop-down list alphabetically lists the first record of each page of data.