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Monitor Lists

The Monitor Lists page maintains the complete list of all objects, services and processes loaded on the Kaseya Server that are used to create Monitor Sets and SNMP Sets. The Monitor List page also maintains user-defined group alarms.

Note: The Counter Objects, Counters, Instances and Services lists are populated by Update Lists by Scan. For most Windows machines Update Lists by Scan is run automatically. Additionally these lists, as well as Services and Processes, can be populated with the import of a Monitor Set. MIB OIDs can be populated by using the Add SNMP Object page or by the import of a SNMP Set.

Counter Objects

This tab lists counter objects you can include in a Monitor Set. Monitor Set uses the PerfMon combination of object/counter/instance to collect counter information.

Note: Counter Objects are the primary reference. The user needs to add a record of the counter object first, before adding records of the corresponding counters or instances.


This tab lists counters you can include in a Monitor Set. Monitor Set uses the PerfMon combination of object/counter/instance to collect counter information.

Counter Instances

This tab lists counter instances you can include in a Monitor Set. Monitor Set uses the PerfMon combination of object/counter/instance to collect counter information.

Note: Windows PerfMon requires that a counter object have at least one counter, but does not require an instance be available.


This tab lists Windows services you can include in a Monitor Set to monitor the activity of Windows Services. This list can also be populated by Update Lists By Scan or the import of a Monitor Set.


This tab lists Windows processes you can include in a Monitor Set to to monitor the transition of a process to or from a running state. A process is equivalent to an application. The processes list is not populated via Update Lists by Scan. This list can be populated by the import of a Monitor Set.


This tab lists SNMP MIB objects you can include in SNMP Sets. SNMP sets monitor the activity of SNMP devices. This list can be populated with the import of a SNMP Set or the execution of the Add SNMP Object page. MIB objects are references to values that can be monitored on SNMP devices. Example: the MIB object sysUptime returns how much time has passed since the device was powered-up.

SNMP Devices

This tab defines broad categories of SNMP devices called Set SNMP Types. This enables the convenient assignment of SNMP sets to multiple SNMP devices, based on their SNMP type. Assignment can be either automatic or manual. See SNMP Services below for more information.

SNMP Services

This tab associates a sysServicesNumber with a SNMP type. A SNMP type is associated with a SNMP set using the Automatic Deployment to drop-down list in Monitor > SNMP Sets > Define SNMP Set. When scanning a network SNMP devices are automatically assigned to be monitored by SNMP sets if the SNMP device returns a sysServicesNumber associated with a SNMP type used by those SNMP sets. This table comes with pre-defined SNMP types and sysServicesNumbers for basic devices. System updates and updates provided by customers themselves can update this table.

Group Alarm Column Names

This tab maintains user defined Group Alarm Column Names. Pre-defined group alarm column names do not display here. Use Monitor Sets and Define Monitor Sets to assign a monitor set to any group alarm column name. Group alarms are displayed using the Dashboard List page.

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