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Displays a dialog box on the managed machine with Yes and No buttons. Also carries out the ELSE command if a specified amount of time has timed out. If Yes is selected by the machine user, the IF command is executed. If the selection times out or the machine user selects No, the ELSE command is executed. This function requests the machine user's permission to proceed with the agent procedure. This query is useful for agent procedures that require a reboot of the managed machine before completion.

Procedure variables, for example #varName#, may be used inside isYesFromUser() fields to dynamically generate messages based on procedure data.

Delimit the text displayed by the button labels and message using three or more plus characters (+++).

Example - Sample Procedures.Agent Control.Reboot-Ask-Yes-2

If isYesFromUser("+++YES:Reboot Now+++NO:Continue Working+++The system administrator needs to Reboot your computer. Reboot now?", 5)