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Agent Install Command Line Switches

Agent install command line switches for KcsSetup are case insensitive and order independent. Separate switches with an empty space. For example: KcsSetup /e /g=root.unnamed /c

Note: For Apple agents, command line switches can only be used when creating the agent install package.

/b - Reboot the system after installation completes. Agent installation requires a reboot in order to load its drivers. Use this switch on packages given to users that do not have rights to shut down the computer.

/c - Use the computer name as the machine ID for the new account. If the computer name cannot be determined programmatically, the machine user is prompted to enter a machine ID. The exception is silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log.

/d - Use the current domain name as the group ID for the new account. If the domain name cannot be determined programmatically, the machine user is prompted to enter the group ID. The exception is silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log.

/e - Exit immediately if the installer detects that an agent is already installed. Use /e at the end of logon procedures. /k or /r overrides /e.

/f "Publisher" - Specifies the full name of the service provider or tenant. Windows only.

/g=xxx - Specifies the group ID to use for the new account. xxx must be an alpha-numeric string and can not contain spaces or punctuation marks.

/h - Display the help dialog box listing all the command line switches, unless the /s switch is set, in which case the application exits.

/i - Ignore non-critical errors such as incorrect or indeterminate versions of WinSock2, or indeterminate versions of the OS, and force the installation to proceed.

/j - Does not install an agent shortcut to the Start > All Programs menu. Windows only.

/k - Displays a dialog box asking the user if it is OK to re-install when the agent is already detected on the machine. Without this switch, the installer exits if an agent is already present.

/m=xxx - Specifies the machine ID to use for the new account. xxx must be an alpha-numeric string and can not contain spaces or any punctuation marks except period(.).

/n = partitionId - Specifies the partition ID of the tenant partition the installed agent/machine ID account is a member of.

/o "Company Title" - Specifies the company title of the service provider or tenant. Windows only.

/p "install_path" - Overrides the default installation path by specifying the full directory path, including drive letter, in which to install the agent.

/r - Executes the installation program and re-installs the agent even if an agent is already on the machine.

/s - Runs in silent mode. Suppresses all dialog boxes.

/t "Title" - Specifies the title of any dialog windows shown to the machine user during installation. The default title is: "Kaseya Agent".

/u - Uses the current machine user name as the machine ID for the new account. If the machine user name cannot be determined programmatically, the user is prompted to enter a machine ID. The exception is silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log.

/v - Associates this agent with an existing agent account in the VSA when the machine name, agent name and organization are the same for the same partition. Ignores creating a new agent account when a new MAC address is detected. Suitable for re-using existing agent accounts created for reverted VDI resources.

/w - Overwrites the existing configuration file with a configuration file included in the agent installation. Use with the /r switch to re-install an agent with new server settings. Intended for an existing agent that is attempting to connect to a server that no longer exists. A green check displays in the VDI column of the Manage Agents page if the /v agent install switch was used to install an agent to an existing agent account.

/x - Disables remote control after successfully installing the agent. This option is ignored when updating or re-installing. Remote control of this machine can only occur after the user selects Enable Remote Control by right clicking the K icon on the system tray.

/z “Message” - Specifies the message shown to the user when installation completes. The exception is silent mode, /s, in which case the installation completes and the status message is written to the installation log. The default message is: "The Agent has been installed successfully on your computer.

/? = Display the help dialog box listing all the command line switches, unless the /s switch is set, in which case the application exits. Windows only.

Linux Only Install Switches

See Installing Linux Agents.