Info Center > Reporting > Reports > Logs - Agent Procedure
Agent > Agent Logs displays log entries by log type and machine ID.
The Agent Procedure report definition generates a report of all system and user-defined agent procedures run on each machine ID, including the agent procedure's success or failure status and the VSA user that scheduled them.
Configure your report definition using the following parameters:
Number of days to query log* - Number of days back from the current date to include in the report.
Agent Procedure Name Filter - Filter entries by agent procedure name.
Administrator Filter (Admin that scheduled the agent procedure) - Filter by the VSA user who scheduled the agent procedure.
Show entries matching the following description (use * for wildcards) - Enter a string to filter entries by their description. Include an asterisk (*) wildcard with the text you enter to match multiple records.
Ignore machines without data - Check this box to only display machine IDs that have data matching the other filter parameters.