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Manage - Machine Groups tab

Define the machine groups associated with this organization. Machines are always defined by machine group and machine groups are always defined by organization. You can define multi-level hierarchies of machine groups by identifying a parent machine group for a machine group.

Deploy Agent URLs

Click the Deploy Agent URL link in any row to create an agent install package specific to that machine group on the Agent > Packages > Manage Packages page.

  1. You must click a Deploy Agent URL link at least once to create the agent package
  2. Optionally edit Deploy Agent URL agent packages just as you would any other agent package.
  3. Email a Deploy Agent URL link to the machine users of that machine-group or organization to prompt them to install an agent.
  4. When a user clicks the Deploy Agent URL sent to them, a download page prompts them to download the package. The agent automatically installs. This download page is different from the legacy download page shown on the Manage Packages page. You can customize this new download page using the Deploy Header tab on the System > Customize > Site Customization page.
