The Machine ID / Machine Group filter is available on all tabs and functions. It allows you—rather than an administrator—to limit the machines displayed on all function pages. The View Definitions window lets you further refine a machine ID / machine group filter based on attributes contained on each machine—for example, the operating system type. Once filter parameters are specified, click the Apply button to apply filter settings to all function pages. By default, the Machine ID / Group ID filter displays all machine IDs in <All Groups>
managed by the currently logged on VSA user.
Note: Even if a VSA user selects <All Groups>
, only groups the VSA user is granted access to using System > User Security > Scopes are displayed.
limits the display of machine IDs on all function pages to machine IDs that start with the letters ABC
. Filters the display of machines by machine ID. Enter the beginning of a string to find all machine IDs that match that string. Include an asterisk at the beginning of a string to find all devices that match that string anywhere in the machine ID. For example, entering the string *ABC
matches all machine IDs that include ABC anywhere in their machine ID.