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Traverse > Reports > Dashboards

Dashboards provide real-time, top-level views of all critical issues, services and infrastructure. Whereas service containers let you group tests and devices according to business-oriented views, the dashboards provide a more abstract way to organize information. For example, you might create a dashboard to monitor bandwidth across your entire network, or a dashboard that reports which devices are the top resource hogs.

To view the Dashboard

Click Reports > Dashboards and select an organization from the Current Organization drop-down list.

Managing Dashboards

The Dashboards list shows any dashboards you have created, and the ones other have shared with you.

Creating a Dashboard

  1. Click the Create Dashboard icon.
  2. In the Create Dashboard dialog, enter the following:
  1. Click Apply to create the dashboard.

After the dashboard is created, you have to select pods with metrics you want to display.

  1. Select a pod category.
  2. Click the Create link for a pod template.
  3. Enter the Details for the pod instance you are creating. The set of fields can differ, as required by each pod template. Typical fields include:
  1. Click Apply.

Each dashboard comprises one or more dashboard pods.

Dashboard Row Options

Click a row's option icon to select the following:

For more information on Dashboards, see Dashboards in the Traverse User Guide.