Multiple agents can be installed on the same managed machine, each checking into different VSAs. Run the R95 agent installer from a different VSA and you will get an additional agent.
Driver Usage - Windows Agents Only
If multiple agents are installed on a machine, only one agent at a time controls the drivers required to use File Access, Network Access, Application Blocker. These functions can only be performed by the agent controlling these drivers.
Identifying Agents on Managed Machines
When a Kaseya agent is installed, a unique identifier is created for the agent comprising the Kaseya Server’s 6 character customer ID and a randomly generated 14 digit number. This unique agent identifier, called the agent GUID, is used to create separate sub-folders to store agent program files, and as a sub-key for agent registry values.
In the examples below, agents display specific information for the following placeholders:
- The agent instance GUID.<company>
- The agent's install directory.<serveraddress>
- The Kaseya Server address the agent checks into. <machineID.groupID.orgID>
- The machine ID, group ID, and organization ID of the agent on the Kaseya Server. <shortcutname>
- The name of the shortcut. Example: Kaseya Agent #2
When you move the mouse cursor over a Kaseya Agent shortcut—for example, a shortcut on the Windows Start Menu—a tool tip displays as:
Start Agent service. (machine.GroupID:<machineID.groupID.orgID> Address:<serveraddress>)
About Agent
Right click the K icon in the system tray of a managed machine and select the About Agent option to display the following information:
Windows Agents
Agents display as follows:
Kaseya Agent (<machineID.groupID.orgID> - <serveraddress>)
Kaseya Agent #2 (<machineID.groupID.orgID> - <serveraddress>)
Kaseya Agent #3 (<machineID.groupID.orgID> - <serveraddress>)
The description field of the service displays the same text shown above in the agent shortcut.
Agent registry settings displays as follows:
DriverControl - The agent that controls driver usage.
KES_Owned_By - The agent that manages the KES client.
Title - <shortcutname>
Path - C:\Program Files\<company>\<GUID>
ServAddr - <serveraddress>
machineID - <machineID.groupID.orgID>
DriverControl - The agent that controls driver usage.
KES_Owned - The agent that manages the KES client.
Default Agent Installation Folders
switch in Agent Install Command Line Switches.