The Default Settings page specifies default settings for server management and a file upload whitelist.
Default Settings tab
Allow BMS Configuration at org level - If yes, allows BMS to be configured at the org level.
Default value for Time on Schedule - Sets the default time to use for scheduling, using either agent time scheduling or server time scheduling. Applies only to schedulers that support agent time scheduling.
Discovery - Domain Watch policies "Include new Computers/Contacts" include moved objects - If a policy is applied to an OU/Container that has "Include New Computers" or Include new Contacts" checked, and:
This option is Y, then the policy is applied to computers or contacts moved into the OU/Container.
This option is N, then the policy is not applied to computers or contacts moved into the OU/Container.
Discovery - Staff record "View All Tickets" enabled - If checked, the View All Tickets checkbox is checked when the staff member record is created.
Discovery - Staff record Department name assignment scheme
Assign based on Active Directory OU Name - A department is created for the new staff record based on the OU/Container name.
Assign based on Active Directory Department property - A department is created for the new staff record based on the department name specified for the user in Active Directory.
Discovery - Staff record Staff name assignment scheme
Assign based on Active Directory Display name. If empty, use First name plus Last name
Assign based on Active Directory User logon name
Assign based on Active Directory First name plus Last name
Enable auto close of alarms and tickets - If Yes, open alarms and tickets for monitor sets and offline alerts are automatically close when the alert condition no longer exists. Offline alerts are configured using Agent Status alerts. Setting to Yes, requires the *System > Server Management >Configure > Enable alarm generation checkbox be checked to auto close alarms and tickets.
Enable Product Notifications - If yes, Kaseya Product Notifications are enabled.
Enable the classic ticketing user interface for agent portal access.
LAN Cache - Use auto-generated administrator credentials - If yes, then credentials are automatically created for you when you create a LAN Cache using the Agent > Configure Agent > LAN Cache > Add LAN Cache dialog. If no, this same dialog provides the option of manually specifying existing credentials for the LAN Cache you create.
Override the default account name that is used for 1-click remote - Add custom name to override the default account name for 1Click-Access.
Replace KRC with RC in KLC to allow you to enforce all screen sessions getting recorded - Set to Yes and cannot be changed.
Require email address at logon - If yes and a user does not already have an email address specified, requires the user to enter an email address as soon as the user logs on. If no, an email address is optional.
Require email address for user name - If yes, a user name record must have an email address. If no, an email address is optional. Applies only to new or renamed user names.
Show organizations in views with one machine group - Controls the display of the Machine Group dropdown filter list at the top of every agent page. If Yes, the Machine Group drop-down displays every organization and every machine group as separate items. If No, organizations are not shown as separate items in the list for organizations with one machine group only.
Note: If you are using the Ticketing module and associating tickets by organization, then this option should be set to No.
Use BMS as ticketing system - If Yes, the BMS will be used as ticketing system for tickets.
Use domain short name in the construction of user passwords - If legacy AD logons were created using the View AD Users page in VSA 6.2 or earlier and these legacy AD logons continue to be used, then set to Yes. This enables user passwords for existing legacy AD logons to continue to be recognized. Whenever a password for an existing AD logon is reset, a newer hashing algorithm is used, based on fully qualified domain names. If legacy AD logons using the View AD Users page were never implemented prior to 6.3, then set this option to No.
Use Fast Transfer option - If Yes, provides a faster method of transferring files from the VSA to agent machines. Requires the VSA use IIS ports 80 and 443, which must remain open on the firewall. If No, fast transfer downloads are prevented. Defaults to Yes. Applies to:
Patch Management for both on premises and SaaS
Software Deployment and Recovery for on premises only.
Use new Live Connect when clicking the Live Connect button in Quickview - Set to Yes and cannot be changed. All remote control sessions started from the agent status icon or Quickview use the Remote Control functionality in Live Connect. .
Attachment Upload Whitelist tab
The Attachment Upload Whitelist tab controls the types of attachments that can be uploaded to the various rich text editors used throughout the VSA framework. A default set of file types is specified. Default file types can be deleted but not modified. Users can set the list back to only the default list of file types. Only master role users have access to this new tab.
Service Desk and Ticketing tickets created by inbound email only accept attachments with extensions allowed by this tab. If an attachment is not accepted during inbound email processing, a message is inserted into the description of the ticket to notify the user that the attachment was excluded and lists the supported file extensions.