Incoming Email and Alarm SettingsThe Incoming Email and Alarm Settings page specifies how to process ticket requests in Service Desk. Ticket requests are created from either inbound emails or system events, such as alarm conditions. Incoming Email and Alarm Settings and linked service desk procedures determine how ticket requests are processed into tickets, what service desks are used to create the tickets, and whether ticket requests are canceled. There are two tabs on this page:
Actions The following action buttons apply to all email readers defined in the Readers tab.
Disabling the Ticketing Email Reader After Service Desk activation, the Ticketing email reader will still convert inbound emails into Ticketing module tickets, so you may want to disable the Ticketing email reader manually before Service Desk is activated. If both the Ticketing and Service Desk email readers are to be run concurrently, they should poll different email servers. | |||
Topic 3659: Send Feedback. Download a PDF of this online book from the first topic in the table of contents. Print this topic. |