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Standard and Custom Property Variables

Property variables can be used in message templates and note templates, when bracketed using [$ and $] notation. These corresponding property variables can also be referenced in service procedures. Variable names are case sensitive. Custom field property variables are also supported.

Note: See Working with Variables for an overview of variables in service desk procedures.

Note: See Standard Fields for a list of standard fields and their corresponding property variables.

Note: See Receipt Property Variables for a list property variables that apply to ticket requests created using inbound emails and alerts.

  • [$ActualTaskHours$] - The total number of hours worked while working on tasks within a ticket.
  • [$AgentGuid$] - When a ticket is associated with an agent, this is the unique ID of the agent.
  • [$AllNotes$] - Displays the entire history of all hidden notes and non-hidden notes.
  • [$AllPublicNotes$] - Displays the entire history of non-hidden notes.
  • [$ArchiveFlag$] - If true, this ticket is archived.
  • [$Assignee$] - The VSA user currently assigned to the ticket.
  • [$AssigneeEmailAddress$] - The email of the assignee assigned the ticket.
  • [$Category$] - The category assigned to the ticket.
  • [$Changes$] - Displays a summary of changes as plain text, including any newly added note. Applies to public notes only.
  • [$ChangesAsHtml$] - Displays a summary of changes in HTML, including any newly added note. Applies to public notes only.
  • [$ClosedDateTime$] - The date/time the ticket was closed.
  • [$CreateDateTime$] - The creation date/time of the ticket.
  • [$Description$] - The description of the ticket.
  • [$EditingUserName$] - The user who last edited the ticket.
  • [$EscalationDateTime$] - The date/time the ticket will be escalated if it does not exit the current stage.
  • [$EscalationLevel$] - The current escalation level for this ticket within the current stage.
  • [$EstimatedTaskHours$] - The estimated number of hours for all tasks within the ticket.
  • [$ExpectedDueDate$] - The goal date/time for the entire ticket.
  • [$FullMachineName$] - The fully qualified machine name and group. Equivalent to using [$Machine$].[$MachineGroup$]. Typically used with the scheduleProcedure() step in a procedure to run an agent procedure.
  • [$GoalDateTime$] - The goal date/time the ticket will be overdue if it does not exit the current stage.
  • [$LastEditDateTime$] - The date/time the ticket was last edited.
  • [$LastPublicUpdate$] - The date/time that a non-hidden note was last added to the ticket.
  • [$Machine$] - The machine ID associated with this ticket.
  • [$MachineGroup$] - The machine group of the machine ID associated with the ticket.
  • [$Manager$] - The supervisor of a staff member associated with a ticket. See Working with Variables for instructions on how to use this property variable.

    Note: This is not the same as the manager of the department the staff member belongs to.

  • [$Organization$] - The organization ID assigned to the ticket.
  • [$Owner$] - The VSA user ultimately responsible for resolving the ticket.
  • [$OwnerEmailAddress$] - The email address of the owner of the ticket.
  • [$PolicyName$] - The name of the policy assigned to the ticket.
  • [$Pool$] - The pool of VSA users assigned to the ticket.
  • [$PreviousStage$] - The stage the ticket was previously assigned.
  • [$Priority$] - The priority assigned to the ticket.
  • [$ProjectedDate$] - The date promised to resolve the ticket.
  • [$ReadFlag$] - If true, no user has viewed the ticket yet. If false, at least one user has viewed the ticket.
  • [$RelatedTicketsAsBulletList$] - Returns a bulleted list of related tickets.
  • [$RelatedTicketsAsString$] - Returns a comma separated list of ticket IDs with their summary descriptions.
  • [$Resolution$] - Displays the resolution assigned to the ticket.
  • [$ResolutionDateTime$] - The date/time the ticket was resolved.
  • [$ResolutionText$] - Descriptive text entered with a resolution code.
  • [$ServiceDesk$] - The service desk used to create the ticket.
  • [$Severity$] - The severity assigned to the ticket.
  • [$SourceType$]- Applies to tickets generated from an email or a system event, such as an alarm.
    • Email - Ticket was created from an email
    • Backup
    • KES
    • Patch
    • Monitor
    • Alarm
    • Portal
    • ServiceDesk
    • Other
  • [$Staff$] - Displays as the Contact field in the ticket editor. A contact is a staff member of an organization.
  • [$StaffEmail$] - Displays the contact’s email value.
  • [$StaffPhone$] - Displays the contact's phone number.
  • [$Stage$] - The stage assigned to the ticket.
  • [$StageStartDateTime$] - The start date/time of the current stage of the ticket.
  • [$Status$] - The status assigned to the ticket.
  • [$SubCategory$] - The subcategory assigned to the ticket.
  • [$SubmitterEmailAddress$] - The email address of the submitter.
  • [$SubmitterName$] - The name of the person submitting the ticket. Usually this is the name of the user calling or emailing about a service issue.
  • [$SubmitterType$] - The type of person who created the ticket. A PARTICIPANT is a VSA user. A USER is a non-VSA user.
  • [$Summary$] - A one line summary description of the ticket.
  • [$TicketId$] - The unique identifier for the ticket. This value cannot be changed.
  • [$TicketURL$] - Provides a link to the ticket in an email or message.
  • [$TotalHoursWorked$] - The total hours worked on the ticket.
  • [$WorkOrder$] - The work order associated with the ticket.
  • [$WorkOrderName$] - The name of the work order associated with the ticket.
  • [$WorkOrderNumber$] - The number of the work order associated with the ticket.
  • [$WorkPerformedDateTime$] - The date and time work was performed on the ticket. This value is independent of the entries entered for hours worked.

Custom Property Variables

Custom field property variables are also supported. Use the Assign Ticket Custom Field command in service procedures to return or set their values. Uses the format [$customfieldId$]. Examples include:

  • [$ReasonforChange$]
  • [$BusinessAspectsofChange$]
  • [$TechnicalImpact$]