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An Escalation procedure runs after a specified time period, usually to escalate a ticket to another level of service.

  • Escalation procedures are linked to stages using the Service Desk > Desk Definition > Processing > Stage > New / Edit > Procedures tab.
  • A stage escalation starts the escalation clock as soon as the ticket enters the stage. The escalation procedure, including all levels of the escalation, is canceled when that stage of the ticket is exited.
  • The escalation time for a stage can be set using the Set Escalation Time command. This overrides the default escalation time set in the stage record.

Escalation Levels

An escalation procedure can be triggered to run multiple times, based on the escalation level of the ticket. Each time the ticket fails to exit the stage, the escalation level of the ticket increases by one. So a stage starts out with an escalation level value of zero. After the first escalation occurs, the escalation level is equal to one, and so on.

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