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The Configure page manages the configuration of your Kaseya Server and related services. Related topics include:

Version, Patch Level, and Licensing

Reapply Schema / Defrag Database

Warning: Do not use the Microsoft SQL tuning advisor against the schema. It adds keys that conflict with the smooth operation of the system.

Sample Data

VSA 2FA Configuration

Important Note: In the case where a user account or IP address is whitelisted in the AuthAnvil two-factor module, the same user account and/or IP address will be subject to Kaseya’s native two-factor authentication.

There is a mechanism on Kaseya side, where Master Admin can enforce VSA 2FA throughout all the tenants by making the necessary changes on the server.

Master Admin can configure VSA 2FA in the following ways:

To configure the server changes:

  1. Log into the VSA as a Master Admin.
  2. Navigate to System > Server Management > Configure page.

  3. Enable the Require Two-Factor Authentication (Otherwise 2FA is Optional) checkbox.

Note: When the setting is enabled, tenants will be disabled to require 2FA for particular users and the Server Management > Logon Policy >All administrators are required to use 2FA checkbox becomes disabled for tenants.

Note: Tenant users who have completed 2FA Enrollment Process, will not be required to complete it again after the Require Two-Factor Authentication (Otherwise 2FA is Optional) setting is enabled.


Note: You can redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, not just specified ports, by adding the --redirectHttpToHttps option to the Arguments value in the <KaseyaInstallationDirectory>\Services\KaseyaEdgeServices.config file. For example:
"Arguments": "--listenPort 80,443,5721 --redirectHttpToHttps"


Third-Party App

Enable Third Party App Installation Globally - Check to enable Third Party App installation globally.

Patch Management


Database Backups


Archiving of agent logs are enabled, by log and machine ID, using Agent > Log History.

Server Status

Server Settings

Version Information

Displays the following information about your VSA configuration.
