Automatic Installation Packages

Automatic installation packages are the easiest way to deploy Agents. The resulting Agents automatically create new accounts on the system saving you the trouble of individually creating a new account in advance for each new machine.

Pre-configure automatic installation packages with any Agent setting by copying Agent settings from any existing account. The Automatic Install Wizard produces a custom install package, KcsSetup.exe, with all the custom features you ask for.

How do I deploy Agents to all machines on my network?

You can use the same install package to load Agents and create new accounts for all the machines on your network.

Install Agents using one of the following methods:

  1. Set up an NT Logon Script to run the install package every time a user logs into the network. The installer skips installation if it detects an Agent is already on this machine.

  2. Email KcsSetup.exe to all users on the network. The automatic install package can carry an Administrator credential for your network so users do not need to be logged on as an Administrator to successfully install the Agent.

  3. Manually install KcsSetup.exe on each machine.

How do I deploy Agents with NT logon scripts?

Running an automatic installation package from an NT logon script allows you to simply deploy Agents to all machines on your network with a single command line. If an Agent has already been installed on the machine, KcsSetup.exe exits immediately. When you create KcsSetup, the Automatic Install Wizard includes all required parameters based on answers to questions the wizard presents.

Just include the following line in the NT logon script:


Can the Agent be installed by a non-administrator?

Ordinary users, without rights to install software, can install the Agent if you enter an Administrator Credential at the time you download the Agent install package. When ordinary users run the install package (either directly or via an NT logon script), the installer uses the credential to complete the installation. The administrator credential is encrypted and bound to the install package, KcsSetup.exe, at download time when you fill in the administrator credential form.

The administrator credential is encrypted at all times and never available in clear text form.

How do I specify parameters for the Default Agent Install package?

Clicking the "Click to download and install the default Agent" link on either the start page or Machine Accounts downloads the Default Agent Install package. You can specify all this package's parameters using the same Automatic Install Wizard used to create any other Agent Install package. At the last screen in the wizard, the download screen, a link titled "Set this package as the default Agent Install package" appears at the top of the screen. Clicking this link rebuilds the Default Agent Install package with on the parameters you just set.

The "Set this package as the default Agent install package" is only displayed to Master Administrators..

How is the new Machine ID determined for an automatic installation?

Automatic installation packages create new accounts in the system. The Automatic Install Wizard lets you select a name via one of four options:

Can I manually create a new account at the Agent machine?

  1. Right-click on the blue K in the system tray.

  2. Select Specify Account...

  3. Enter the machine ID you wish to create in the Username field

  4. Enter in the Password field. is the machine ID this new account copies settings from.

  5. NOTE: Leaving off creates a new default account. For a new default account enter NewKaseyaAgent- (including the "-") in the password field.

How do I specify the group ID during an automatic install?

Automatic installation packages create new accounts in the system. You can direct what Group ID the new account gets by adding command line switches when running KcsSetup.exe.

How do I pre-configure Agent settings for an automatic installation package?

Automatic installation packages are always created by copying settings from an existing machine account. All settings from the account you specify to copy settings from, except Machine ID and Group ID, apply to every new account created with this package.

How can I push Agents out using LAN Watch?

LAN Watch scans the entire sub-net of any LAN looking for all computers on that LAN. The Install Agents sub-function (under the Monitor tab) can push Agents out to any of those discovered machines as long as you have an administrator login credential for that machine.

Can I distribute the install package via email?

You can email the installation package as an attachment to as many email addresses as you like.

Warning: Command line switches are not carried in the installation package.

How do I manually install an Agent?

Execute KcsSetup.exe, the installation package by:

    1. Double clicking KcsSetup.exe within Windows to launch it.

    2. Open a DOS command prompt and type KcsSetup.exe followed by any desired command line switches.

    3. Select Run... from the Windows Start menu and type KcsSetup.exe followed by any desired command line switches.

Agent Command line switch definitions:

Add command line parameters after KcsSetup.exe at a DOS prompt or from Run... in the Windows Start menu. Switches are case insensitive and order independent. Separate switches with an empty space.

/b - Reboot the system after installation completes. Agent installation requires a reboot in order to load its drivers. Use this switch on packages given to users that do not have rights to shut down the computer.

/c - Use the computer name as the Machine ID for the new account. If the computer name cannot be determined programmatically, the user will be prompted to enter a Machine ID (except in silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log).

/d - Use the current domain name as the Group ID for the new account. If the domain name cannot be determined programmatically, the user will be prompted to enter the Group ID (except in silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log).

/e - Exit immediately if the installer detects that an Agent is already installed. Use /e at the end of logon scripts.  (/k or /r override /e).

/g=xxx - Specifies the Group ID to use for the new account. xxx must be an alpha-numeric string and can not contain spaces or punctuation marks.

/h - Display the help dialog box listing all the command line switches (unless the /s switch is set in which case the application exits).

/i - Ignore non-critical errors such as incorrect or indeterminate versions of WinSock2, or indeterminate versions of the OS, and force the installation to proceed.

/k - Displays a dialog box asking the user if it is ok to re-install when the Agent is already detected on the machine. Without this switch, in installer exists if an Agent is already present.

/m=xxx - Specifies the Machine ID to use for the new account. xxx must be an alpha-numeric string and can not contain spaces or any punctuation marks except period(.).

/p "install_path" - Overrides the default installation path by specifying the full directory path, including drive letter, in which to install the Agent.  By default, the Agent installation creates a directory named "Program Files\Kaseya\Agent" off the root of the drive on which Windows is installed.

/r - Reinstall - Executes the installation program even if an Agent is already on the machine.

/s - Run in silent mode. Suppress all dialog boxes.

/t "Title" - Specify the title of any dialog windows shown to the user during installation. The default title is: "Kaseya Agent".

/u - Use the current user name as the Machine ID for the new account. If the user name cannot be determined programmatically, the user will be prompted to enter a Machine ID (except in silent mode, /s, in which case the installation stops and an error is logged to the installation log).

/w - Overwrite the existing configuration file with the on included in the Agent installation. Intended to be used with the /r switch to re-install with new server settings for an existing Agent that is attempting to connect to a server that no longer exists.

/x - Disable remote control after successfully installing the Agent. This option is ignored when updateing or re-installing. Remote control of this machine can only occur after the user selects the "Enable Remote Control" menu item from the system tray icon.

/z “Message” - Specify the message shown to the user when installation completes (except in silent mode, /s, in which case the installation completes and the status message is written to the installation log). The default message is: “The Agent has been installed successfully on your computer.”.