Agent > Delete

The following selections are accessible from the Delete function:

Delete Accounts

Pressing delete accounts removes the selected Agent machine accounts from the Server. A dialog box confirms deletion, or cancels the action. Select the accounts to be deleted by checking the checkbox next to the Agent machine ID, then pressing delete accounts. To automatically remove the agent from a machine first, select Uninstall agent first at next check-in.

Uninstall agent first at next check-in.

Select this option first to remove the agent from the machine in addition to deleting the account from the VSA server. The next time the agent on all selected machines check-in, the VSA tasks the agent to uninstall itself. Once successfully uninstalled, the VSA deletes the account from the server. The account is not deleted until the next time the agent successfully checks in.

Delete account now without uninstalling the agent.

Removes the machine account from the VSA server. Already installed agents with this account name are not removed from the Agent machine.

Uninstall the agent and keep the account.

Uninstall the agent on the managed machine without deleting the account on the VSA. Select this option if you want to remove the agent from a remote machine but keep all the data collected about that machine in the VSA.

Machine.Group ID

Lists the Agent machines according to the Specify Accounts criteria.

Last Check-In

Displays the time the Agent machine's Agent last checked in to the Server.

Check-in status

The check-in status of the machines shown in the Agent machine list is indicated by the icon shown to the left of the Agent machine ID. The icons and their status are as follows:

Agent has checked in  

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in