Agent > Update Agent

The Update Agent page allows administrators to quickly deploy the latest Agent version to selected Agent machines. With the press of a button, the system can be tasked to automatically send Agent machines the latest Agent version during the Agent machine's regularly scheduled check-in period.

The following elements are displayed in the Update Agent function:

Machine.Group ID

Lists the Agent machines according to the Specify Accounts criteria.

Update Agent

Pressing Update Agent sends the latest Agent version to selected Agent machines.

Remind me at logon when Agents need an update

Selecting this checkbox will remind the administrator at login that Agents under their control need to be updated. Administrators can disable this feature at login time and can re-activate it by selecting this checkbox.

Force update even if Agent is at version x.x.x.x

Checking this box when updating an Agent forces new files to replace the current Agent files on the Agent machine. This performs a "clean" installation of the Agent files.

Cancel Update

Pressing Cancel Update after selecting a Agent machine cancels a pending update to the Agent.

Last Update

The date in which the Agent was last updated on the Agent machine.

Agent Version

Version of the Agent running on the Agent machine. Version numbers listed in red indicate that the version on the Agent machine is not the same as the latest version available.

Select All/Unselect All

Select All will select all user accounts on all account pages. Unselect All will unselect selected user accounts on all account pages. For individual accounts, select the checkbox next to the ID.

Check-in status

The check-in status of the machines shown in the Agent machine list is indicated by the icon shown to the left of the Agent machine ID. The icons and their status are as follows:

Agent has checked in  

Agent has not recently checked in

Agent has never checked in