Ticketing > Edit Fields

Edit Fields lets you create and/or edit fields shown on tickets. Seven field types are available. Fields are associated with the entire ticket (as opposed to each note of the ticket). Use field to hold data items you need to collect for all tickets. Three mandatory fields exist that may not be removed from the system. They are:

  1. Category - A customizable list of trouble ticket categories (such as Printer Problem).

  2. Status - State of the current ticket (Open, Hold, Closed)

  3. Priority - High, Normal, Low

Field Position

Click the up/down arrows to the left of the field label to change the display position for this field in View Tickets.

Field Label

You may modify the label for any field here. Click the Update button to apply the change


  1. String - May contain any text up to 500 characters in length. Best used to hold things like problem location or other variables that do not belong in the summary line.

  2. Integer - May contain any positive or negative integer value

  3. List - Lets you create a drop down list of choices

  4. Number (nn.d) - Number that always shows one digit to the right of the decimal point.

  5. Number (nn.dd) - Number that always shows two digits to the right of the decimal point.

  6. Number (nn.ddd) - Number that always shows three digits to the right of the decimal point.

  7. Number (nn.dddd) - Number that always shows four digits to the right of the decimal point.

Default Value

Creating a new ticket automatically sets each field to its default value. You can specify that default value here.

Note: Default values are system wide and may not be different for different machine group IDs or administrator groups.

< Edit List >

Edit any label. Click update to have the changes take effect.