Ticketing > View Ticket

Create new trouble tickets, add notes to existing tickets, or modify notes in existing tickets with the View Ticket function. Select the ticket of interest from the Ticket ID drop down control. Edit any existing data by clicking the next to the data you wish to edit. Delete notes by clicking next to the note.

NOTE: Prevent standard administrators and users from deleting trouble tickets in Access Policy.

How do I create a new ticket?

Creating a new trouble ticket requires filling out all fields of the trouble ticket. Perform all the following steps to create a new ticket.

  1. Enter a short description of the problem.

  2. Specify a machine ID or a machine group ID to submit a trouble ticket for. All trouble tickets must be assigned to either a machine ID or a machine group ID. Pick the appropriate radio button to indicate if the ticket is to be associated with a machine ID or group ID. Next, click to enter a selection. A window will pop up with a list of machine Ids or group Ids and then select the radio button next to the choice desired.

  3. Select a category from the Category drop down control to assign to this trouble ticket.

  4. 5elect a status (Open, Hold, Closed) from the Status drop down control.

  5. Select an administrator from the Assignee drop down control to assign to this trouble ticket

  6. Select a priority (High, Normal, or Low) from the Priority drop down control.  

  7. The submitter field defaults to the email sender (if received from an email) or the administrator’s email.  This information can be updated if need be.

  8. User name, user email and user phone will default from the user information of the user associated with the machine assigned to the ticket.  This information can be updated if appropriate.

  9. The creation date is automatically assigned.  This will be set to the date the ticket is created.

  10. Enter a due date for this trouble ticket by clicking next to Due Date. The default due date one week from the creation date.

  11. Enter details of the problem in the Notes edit box. Click the Submit button to complete the ticket.

Why can't I edit a ticket?

Master administrators may disable ticket delete and edit privileges for users and standard administrators. See Access Policy.

How do I attach a file, such as a screen shot, to the trouble ticket?

Click the Browse... button below the note entry area. Locate the file you wish to attach on your local computer. Click the Open button in the browse window to upload the file to the VSA server. Once the file has been successfully uploaded tag text is automatically entered into the note in this format: <attached file:filename.ext>. This tag appears as a link in the notes listing for the ticket. Display/download the file at any time by clicking that link.

Ticket ID

Enter the ticket ID to view/edit an existing ticket. Leave blank to create a new trouble ticket.

Machine or ID

Each trouble ticket must be assigned to either a machine ID or group ID. Click to enter or change the ID. Clicking opens a new window with a list of available machine IDs to choose from. To choose a machine ID select group from the drop down control. Click the radio button to the left of the machine or group ID of interest.


Name of the administrator responsible for solving this problem.


Master administrators can define any number of customer fields associated with each ticket (see the Edit Fields function).  When you modify any field, the system automatically inserts a note recording the change. The note may be standard or hidden depending on the access policy set for this administrator. Automatic notes may also be disabled. Three fields are mandatory and may not be deleted

NOTE: Master administrators can add, delete, or edit filed labels with the Edit Fields function. Master administrators can also define who can view and/or edit fields on a per administrator group using the Access Policy function.


Assign the trouble ticket to a category with this drop down control.


Drop down control specifies the status of this ticket.


Drop down control specifies the status of this ticket.

Submitter Information

Displays the Name, Email address, and phone number associated with the machine ID for this ticket. Typically, this information corresponds to contact information for a person using that machine. Enter user information in User Profiles.


This button applies any changes to text fields such as submitter information, non-list fields (strings, integers, numbers).

Note: All list fields are immediately saved in the ticket.

Last Search

This button returns you to the View Summary screen using the last search string entered. Use last search to quickly browse through multiple tickets returned by a key word search. Words matching any of the search words are highlighted with a green background in the displayed notes. For example, if you are searching for all tickets that dealt with DHCP:

  1. Search for DHCP in View Summary.

  2. Click on a ticket summary to view one of the tickets returned.

  3. Quickly scan the ticket notes looking for  DHCP  and scan the surrounding notes.

  4. If the ticket is not of interest, click the Last Search button to return to the search results.

  5. Repeat the above steps until the ticket of interest is found.


Time stamp indicating the date and time this trouble ticket was first created.

Age / Closed

Age lists the number of hours/days since the creation date for open and hold tickets. If the ticket has been closed then Age is replace with Closed and lists the time stamp indicating the date and time this trouble ticket was closed.


Desired resolution date for this ticket. Click to edit the due date. If the due date does not match one of the defined due date policies, then the Due Date label is hilighed. Click the Apply button to reset the due date to the policy. If no policy matches then the system default due date is used.


Short summary description of the problem reported in this trouble ticket. Click to edit the summary.


Add details about the problem here. Use this space to describe the initial problem in detail and also to add notes discussing problem investigation or resolution. Notes may be edited by clicking and/or deleted by clicking next to each note listed for this trouble ticket

Add Hidden

You can also add hidden notes, not viewable by users, to tickets. Use hidden note to record data or analysis that may be too detailed or confusing to users by useful to other administrators.

Note: Hidden notes are NEVER included in email notifications.

Browse... Click to attach file (such as screen shots of problem).

Click the Browse... button below the note entry area. Locate the file you wish to attach on your local computer. Click the Open button in the browse window to upload the file to the VSA server. Once the file has been successfully uploaded tag text is automatically entered into the note in this format: <attached file:filename.ext>. This tag appears as a link in the notes listing for the ticket. Display/download the file at any time by clicking that link.

Notes Table

Lists all notes relating to this trouble ticket in ascending or descending time order. Each note is time stamped and labeled with the login name of the person entering the note.

NOTE: User entered notes are labeled with the machine ID they logged in with. See User Access for details.