Ticketing > View Summary

View Summary lists all the trouble tickets assigned to machine IDs selected in Specify Accounts. Each row displays summary data for a single ticket. You can further sort and filter listed tickets with any field list type drop down control.

The View Summary page gives you a quick view of all the tickets you are currently working on. New tickets, or new notes in existing tickets, are clearly highlighted in one of two way.

  1. By Date - tickets with new notes entered in the last 1 day are highlighted in red. New notes entered in the last 7 days are highlighted in yellow. You can adjust these times and colors by clicking  Change Highlight link.

  2. Read Flag - Each ticket is flagged to indicate if the administrator has viewed all the notes in the ticket. Once viewed, the ticket is marked as read with . If another administrator or user adds or modifies a note, the flag for you is switched back to unread showing .

Why don't I see a particular trouble ticket?

Standard administrators only have access to trouble tickets of machine IDs that are in group IDs they have access rights to. Users only have access to trouble tickets for their machine ID.

The View Summary function only displays trouble tickets belonging to machine IDs that match the Specify Accounts filter.

The View Summary function can filter the list of trouble tickets to only those that match the Category, Status, and Priority drop down control.

The Search function will not display a ticket if none of the notes contain the words being searched for.

NOTE: The system does not delete tickets when deleting machine IDs. The ticket summary chart includes tickets matching the Machine ID and Group ID filters. Because no machine data exists for deleted Machine IDs, Views are not applied to this table.

Open Tickets, Past Due, Hold Tickets, Total Tickets

Shows the number of tickets open, past due, and on hold for all tickets matching the Specify Accounts filter.

Note: Ticket counts are not effected by the Category, Status, or Priority controls.


Allows each administrator or users to organize the columns displayed in the table. Clicking the Fields... button opens a dialog in a new browser window. There, you can select which columns to show or hide and also the order in which columns are displayed. You can show/hide any of the following columns:

List Fields

Each field of type list, such as category, status, or priority, are shown as drop down controls. Selecting any value from the drop down displays only those tickets matching the selected field value.


Changes the display order of the table to ascending or descending.


Search restricts the list of tickets to only tickets containing any of the words in the search string. Search examines the ticket summary line, submitter name, submitter email, submitter phone, or any of the notes. Use the * character as a wildcard in the search string.

The drop down control below the search box list the last 10 searches you have made. Selecting any item from the list automatically re-searches for those words.

Clicking any of the ticket summary lines returned by search jumps to that ticket. Words in the ticket notes matching any search word are highlighted with a green background.

Mark All Read

Click to mark all tickets as read. New any changes or note additions inserted by other administrators reset the ticket to unread.


Merge lets you combine two tickets into one. Use Merge to combine related tickets. The resulting merged ticket contains all the notes and attachments from both tickets. Merge asks you which field values you wish to use in the ticket for all field values that are different between the two tickets. To merge ticket, check the box for any two tickets listed. Then click the Merge... button.

Change Highlight

Click to set and/or modify row highlighting based on date. Highlight tickets based on date in two ways. Tickets with a date within 1 day of the current time are highlighted in red. Tickets with a date within 7 days are highlighted in yellow. You can independently adjust both the number of days and the highlight color. To disable highlighting by date, set each number of days to zero. The highlight date may be last modified date, due date, or creation date.

Column Headings

Clicking any column heading resorts the table using that column as the sort criteria.

Data Table

Each row of the table lists summary data for a single ticket. To access the entire ticket click the ticket summary line. To toggle the state to read click . To toggle the state to unread click . To completely delete a ticket from the system click .

NOTE: Prevent standard administrators and users from deleting trouble tickets in Access Policy.