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Logon Hours

The Logon Hours page determines when administrators can logon into the VSA by specifying the weekdays and hours for each administrator role. Each day of the week can have different hours of operation set.

Administrator Role

Administrators can belong to none, one, or more administrator roles. The following policies are assigned by administrator role:

In addition, scripts and agent installation packages can be shared by administrator role. Standard administrators can only see other administrators who are members of the same roles.

Select administrator role

Select an administrator role to display and maintain its logon hours settings.

No Hours Restrictions

If checked, administrators can logon into the VSA at any time and day of the week. Uncheck to enable all other settings.


Denies logon access for the entire weekday.

or allow between <12:00 am> and <12:00 am>

Specify the range of time logons are allowed. All times are in the KServer's time zone. For all day access, set start and end time to the same time.