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Notify Policy

The Notify Policy page determines when email notifications are sent out by the Ticketing module. Multiple policies can be defined for each group ID, by clicking the Add button instead of the Update button. This lets you specify different email lists for different ticketing events. For example, you may wish to send email alerts to a group of administrators for ticket creations and note additions, but send email to a different list of administrators for overdue tickets. As a default, no email notifications are sent. You must check the checkbox of at least one ticketing event to get an email notification sent.

To be sent email notification for a ticketing event:

  1. Check the box to the left of each ticketing event you need to be notified about.
  2. Enter a comma separated list of email address in the Email List edit box.
  3. Check the box to the left of all group IDs you wish to apply this notification policy to.
  4. Click the Update or Add button.

Note: You can not send notifications to the email address used to receive tickets, defined using Ticketing > Email Reader.

Notification Type Checkbox

The list below describes when the ticketing system sends an email notification to all email recipients in the email list.

  • Ticket Creation - If checked, an email is sent at the time of ticket creation.
  • Modify/Add Note - If checked, an email is sent when any note is added or changed to a ticket.
  • Overdue Ticket - If checked, an email is sent when a ticket passes its due date without being closed.
  • Assignee Change - If checked, an email is sent when a ticket is assigned to a different administrator.
  • Field Change - If checked, an email is sent when anyone changes any custom field in a ticket.
  • Edit Summary - If checked, an email is sent when anyone changes the summary line for a ticket.
  • Due Date Change - If checked, an email is sent when anyone changes the due date of a ticket.
  • Notify Ticket Submitter when note added - If checked, an email is sent to the email address entered for the ticket submitter, in addition to the email list for all email notification messages.
  • Include all public notes in Modify/Add notification - If checked, all notes for a ticket are included when a Modify/Add Note message is sent out.
  • Received email alerts always sent to assignee - If checked, an email is sent to the ticket assignee, whenever a new note is created for a ticket, even if the assignee is not on the notification email list for this group ID.
  • Send auto response to emails creating new tickets - If checked, an automated reply message is sent out to the person that sent in an email that generated a new ticket. Automated response emails give your users an acknowledgement that their request has been received and processed by the system. Creating tickets based on inbound emails are configured using Email Reader and Email Mapping.
  • Format Email... - This option only displays for master administrators. Specifies the standard message sent in reply to inbound emails used to create new tickets.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Machine Group

Lists machine groups. All machine IDs are associated with a group ID and optionally a subgroup ID.


Identifies the ticketing events that trigger email notification of email recipients listed in the Email List column.

Email List

The list of email recipients notified by selected ticketing events for this group ID.