Monitor SetsThe Monitor Sets page adds, imports or modifies monitor sets. Sample monitor sets can be loaded using the System > Configure page. A monitor set is a set of counter objects, counters, counter instances, services and processes used to monitor the performances of machines. Typically, a threshold is assigned to each object/instance/counter, service, or process in a monitor set. Alarms can be set to trigger if any of the thresholds in the monitor set are exceeded. A monitor set should be used as a logical set of things to monitor. A logical grouping, for example, could be to monitor all counters and services integral to running an Exchange Server. You can assign a monitor set to any machine that has an operating system of Windows 2000 or newer. The general procedure for working with monitor sets is as follows:
Note: Not all monitor sets may be available for editing on the Monitor Set page, since the creator of a monitor set may only have shared the use of the monitor set but not the editing of the set. Sample Monitor Sets The VSA provides a growing list of sample monitor sets. The names of sample monitor sets begin with ZC. They can be updated using System > Configure. You can modify sample monitor sets, but its better practice to copy a sample monitor set and customize the copy. Sample monitor sets are subject to being overwritten every time the sample sets are updated. An Excel document called Page Select When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the Add Click Add to open a form that asks the user to:
Import Click Import to upload a monitor set XML file to your server. Monitor sets can be exported using Define Monitor Set. Edit Click Edit to display the Define Monitor Set window and edit a monitor set. | |||
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