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The Logs page generates reports for the following types of log data maintained by the VSA.

  • Alarm Log
  • Admin Notes
  • Agent Log
  • Configuration Changes
  • Network Statistics
  • Remote Control Log
  • Script Log
  • Event Logs
  • Event Log Frequency
  • Log Monitoring
  • EPS Log

Note: The EPS Log only displays if you have separately purchased the Kaseya Endpoint Security addon module.

Selecting Log Report Options

The most commonly used options you can select for all log reports are:

  • Choose a log to display - Select the type of log you want in the report.
  • Display log entries for last <N> days - Specify the number of days worth of log data to display.
  • Show entries matching the following description (use * for wildcards) - Enter a string to filter entries by their description. Include an asterisk (*) wildcard with the text you enter to match multiple records.
  • Preserve plain text formatting - Check this box to display plain text logs with the formatting from plain text files preserved in the HTML pages.
  • Ignore machines without data - Check this box to only display machine IDs that have data matching the other filter parameters.

Additional fields display, depending on the type of log selected. These include:

  • Alarm Log - Filter the report by the type of alarm. You can also filter alarm log entries by alarm email address, alarm email subject line, and/or alarm email message text.
  • Script Log - Filter the report by script name and/or the administrator who scheduled the script.
  • Event Log - You can also filter the report by a selected event set. By default the built‑in <All Events> event set is selected. Event set alarm categories—Error, Warning, Information, Success audit, Failure audit, Critical, Verbosemust be checked to include an event in a report.
  • Event Log Frequency - Enter a number of days in the Select the <N> most frequent Event IDs for each Machine ID field. Then select an event log type. Event set alarm categories—Error, Warning, Information, Success audit, Failure audit, Critical, Verbosemust be checked to include an event in a report.
  • Log Monitoring - Select a Log File Parser. Log file parsers are defined using Monitor > Log Parser.

Running the Report

  1. Select the data you want to display in the report.
  2. Enter the title of the report.
  3. Either run the report or export the report to HTML, Word or Excel output.

Share Report / Private Report

These two options only display for master administrators. Reports are always private for standard administrators. As a master administrator select Shared or Private to assign access to a report. By default, Private access is selected. Private reports can only be viewed and run by the administrator that created the report. Shared reports can be viewed and run by all administrators. Saved reports are identified as either private or shared in the left-hand navigation pane.


Click Save to save the current settings.

Save As...

Click Save as... to save the current report under a new name.


Click Rename... to rename the report.


Click Delete... to delete the report.

Enter title displayed on report header

Enter the title that displays at the top of the report.


Reports are saved with the Machine ID / Group ID filter settings that were current at the time the report was first saved or last updated. These saved or updated filter settings are used when a report is run, regardless of the current machine ID/group ID filter settings. Once a report has been saved, the Update button displays just below the field used to enter the title of the report. Click Update to apply the latest machine ID / group ID filter settings to a saved report. The machine ID / group ID filter settings of a saved report can be overridden using Schedule Reports.


Click Run... to run the report using the report options previously selected.

Save the report as HTML, Word or Excel

Click Export... to display the report as HTML, Word or Excel output. If you do not have Excel or Word loaded on your local machine, the page displays as plain HTML.

Remove header from the exported report

If checked, the title, report date and machine filter information do not display at the top of the exported output.