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Machine ID / Group ID Filter

Each agent installed on a managed machine is assigned a unique machine ID/group ID name. All machine IDs are associated with a group ID and optionally a subgroup ID. Typically a group ID represents a single customer account. Subgroup IDs typically represent a location or network within a group ID. For example, the full identifier for an agent installed on a managed machine could be defined as jsmith.acme.chicago. In this case chicago is a subgroup ID defined within the group ID called acme. Only a master administrator, or administrators authorized by a master administrator, can create group IDs. Any administrator can create subgroup IDs. Group IDs and subgroup IDs are created using the System > Machine Groups > Create/Delete page.

Filtering Views

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The Machine ID / Group ID filter is available on all tabs and functions. It allows you to limit the machines displayed on all function pages. The View Definitions window lets you further refine a Machine ID / Group ID filter based on attributes contained on each machine—for example, the operating system type. Once filter parameters are specified, click the green arrow icon to apply filter settings to all function pages. By default, the Machine ID / Group ID filter displays all machine IDs in <All Groups> managed by the currently logged in administrator.

Note: Even if an administrator selects <All Groups>, only groups the administrator is granted access to using System > Group Access are displayed.

Machine ID

Limits the display of data on all function pages by machine ID string. Displays all machine IDs starting with the string entered. For example, entering the string ABC limits the display of machine IDs on all function pages to machine IDs that start with the letters ABC. You can also include a asterisk (*) wildcard before entered string.

Select Page

When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the and buttons to display the previous and next page. The drop down list alphabetically lists the first record of each page of data.


Select the number of machines IDs displayed on each page.

Select Machine Group

Limits the display of data on all function pages by group ID.

Select View

Change views by selecting a different view definition. The View Definitions window lets you further refine a Machine ID / Group ID filter based on attributes contained on each machine—for example, the operating system type.


Click the Edit... button to display the View Definitions page.

Machine Count

Shows the machine count, based on filter settings.