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Group Access

The Group Access page determines administrator access to machine groups by assigning machine groups to administrator roles. Since all machine IDs are assigned to group IDs, administrators can be permitted or denied access to machine ID user accounts using Group Access. Adding or removing a machine group to or from an administrator role automatically adds or removes access to any associated subgroups. An administrator belonging to multiple administrator roles has access to a machine group if any single administrator role permits it. Only a master administrator may grant/deny <all groups> access to any role.

Administrator Roles

Administrators can belong to none, one, or more administrator roles. If an administrator is assigned to multiple roles, and any one of those assigned roles provides access to a function, then the administrator has access to that function. The following policies are assigned by administrator role:

In addition, scripts and agent installation packages can be shared by administrator role. Standard administrators can only see other administrators who are members of the same roles.

Adding Machine Groups to Administrator Roles

  1. Select one or more administrator roles in the paging area.
  2. Click a machine group in the Give administrator roles access to machine groups listbox. Hold down the [Ctrl] key to click multiple machine groups.
  3. Click Add to add selected administrator roles to selected machine groups.

Removing Machine Groups from Administrator Roles

  1. Select one or more administrator roles in the paging area.
  2. Click a machine group in the Give administrator roles access to machine groups listbox. Hold down the [Ctrl] key to click multiple machine groups.
  3. Click Remove to remove selected administrator roles from selected machine groups.

Renaming Administrator Roles

  1. Click the edit icon to the left of an Admin Role name.

    A dialog box displays.

  2. Type in the new name for the administrator role.
  3. Click OK to rename or Cancel.

Give administrator roles access to machine groups

Click a machine group in the Give administrator roles access to machine groups listbox to add or remove them from administrator roles. Hold down the [Ctrl] key to click multiple machine groups.


Click Add to add machine groups to selected administrator roles.


Click Remove to remove machine groups from selected administrator roles.

Select All/Unselect All

Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page.

Edit icon

Click the edit icon to the left of a role name to rename it.

Admin Role

Administrators are listed under this column. A background of two alternating shades of beige designates master administrators. A background of two alternating shades of grey designates standard administrators.

Machine Group

Lists the machine groups that an administrator role has access to. If the administrator role has access to all groups, All Groups displays in this column.