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View Dashboard

The View Dashboard page gives you a quick view of the total system's status, highlighting the machine IDs and tasks you need to work on first. The results displayed by the dashboard depend on the Machine ID / Group ID filter. You can manage tasks and send messages to other administrators using the dashboard. Customize the dashboard display using Home > Layout Dashboard.


Displays all alerts relating to all machine IDs matching the current machine ID / group ID filter. The display lists the most recent alerts first. By default, alerts generated within the last 24 hours are highlighted in red. Alerts generated within the last week are highlighted in yellow. The color coding lets you quickly distinguish alerts you may not have examined yet.

Agent Status

Summarizes the online status of all machine IDs matching the current machine ID / group ID filter. Gives you an at-a-glance count of how many machines are online, have users logged into them, have been offline for less than 30 days and offline for over 30 days and the total number of agents matching the current machine ID / group ID filter.

Patch Status

Uses a pie chart to highlight machines missing patches and matching the current ID / group ID filter. The chart displays with or without applying a patch policy.

  • Click the Use Policy button to apply the Patch Policy when generating the pie chart.

    Note: The Patch Policy incurs a significant performance penalty. If you have a lot of machine IDs this pie chart takes a long time to generate when using the patch policy.

  • Click the Hide Policy button to generate the pie chart without the patch policy. This shows all missing patches including those denied by patch policy.
  • Clicking on any pie segment opens a sub window listing all machine IDs that make up that pie segment.

Operating Systems

Uses a pie chart to shows the mix of operating systems in use, for machines matching the current machine ID / group ID filter. Clicking any pie segment opens a sub window listing all machine IDs that make up that pie segment.


Lists recent tickets issued against the machine IDs matching the current machine ID / group ID filter.


Use this section to create, edit, and monitor tasks you or other administrators need to perform. A pop up window alerts you when new tasks created for you have been added to your task list. Additional pop ups occur when the task becomes past due. You can have the system remind you of a past due task again, by clicking the Snooze button when the task reminder dialog box displays. You can clear all outstanding task notification messages by clicking the Clear Snooze button on the System > Preferences page.


Use this section to send messages to other administrators. Messages you have received are listed in the lower part of this pane.

Note: Send messages to users using Remote Cntl > Send Message.