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Agent Logs

The Agent Logs page collects event information on or relating to managed machines.

Note: The system automatically limits the number of log entries per log type per machine to 1000. Once the limit has been reached, log entries exceeding the limit are archived, if archiving is enabled, and deleted from the system. The archive option is set in Log History.

Select Log

Select a log from the Select Log drop down list. Then click the hyperlink of a machine ID. The types of logs available include:

  • Alarm Log - Lists all alarms triggered for the selected machine.
  • Agent Log - Displays a log of agent, system, and error messages.
  • Configuration Changes - Displays a log of configuration changes made by each Administrator.
  • Network Statistics - Displays a log of send/receive data for network applications.
  • Event Logs - Displays event log data collected by Windows. Not available for Win9x. Only event logs that apply to the specific machine selected display in the event log drop-down list.
  • Script Log - Displays a log of successful/failed scripts.
  • Remote Control Log - Displays a log of successful/failed remote control sessions.
  • Log Monitoring - Displays Log Monitoring entries.

Events Per Page

Select the number of rows displayed per page.

Start Date / End Date

Select a range of dates to filter log data.


Applies to the Event Log only. Click Filter... to restrict the amount of data displayed. You can specify a different advanced filter for each event category and column of data displayed.

Apply event log filter

Applies to the Event Log only. The event log filter includes options defined using the Filter... button. If Applied event log filter is checked, filtering is applied.

Select Page

When more rows of data are selected than can be displayed on a single page, click the and buttons to display the previous and next page. The drop down list alphabetically lists the first record of each page of data.