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View AD Computers

The View AD Computers page shows all computers listed in an Active Directory when LAN Watch runs on a system hosting Active Directory. Use View AD Computers to install agents automatically on computers listed in the Active Directory by policy at computer startup. Using this method has the following benefits:

  • This policy ensures an agent is always present on a machine at every reboot, even if the agent is subsequently removed by a user.
  • Agents can be deployed to an entire AD network even if the VSA administrator does not know the local credentials for each computer.
  • A LAN Watch scan performed by an AD machine discovers all computers that are members of a domain, whether the machines are online or not.

Note: You must select a Detail View to see AD computers listed on this page.

Switching From Summary View to Detail View

  1. Select <All Groups> from the Select Machine Group drop-down list in the Machine ID / Group ID filter to display a summary view of all domain controllers discovered by LAN Watch.
  2. Identify the machine groups and subgroups listed in the Discovered By column.
  3. Select one of the machine groups or subgroups in Step 2 above from the Select Machine Group drop-down list to display a details view of domain controllers for that machine group.

Summary View

The summary view of View AD Computers lists all domain controllers that have run LAN Watch for all machine groups you're authorized to access.

Discovered By

Lists the machine ID names of domain controllers that have performed a LAN Watch scan.

Computers Found

Lists the number of computers, with or without agents, listed in the domain controller directory.

Agent Installed

Lists the number of computers with agents that are also listed in the domain controller's directory.

Details View

The details view of View AD Computers displays computers listed in Active Directory services hosted on computers that have run LAN Watch within a specified machine group.

Installing Agents on Active Directory Computers

You can associate an install package with an AD computer. This installs an agent package when the AD computer reboots, unless the agent is already installed. You can specify the agent package installed for each AD computer.

Note: See Install Issues and Failures if an agent fails to install.

To associate an install package with an AD computer:

  1. Select AD computers listed in the Canonical Name column of the paging area.
  2. Select an agent package from the Select an Agent Package to install drop-down list.
  3. Click Install Agent Policy.