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Schedule / Create

The Schedule / Create page automates user-defined tasks on managed machines by creating and scheduling agent procedures.

Folder Trees

Agent procedures are organized using two folder trees in the middle pane, underneath Private and Shared cabinets. Use the following options to manage objects in these folder trees:

Always Available

  • Manage Files - See Manage Files Stored on Server for more information.
  • Manage Variables - See Variable Manager for more information.
  • Folder Properties - Display the name, description, and owner of a folder, and your access rights to the a folder.
  • (Apply Filter) - Enter text in the filter edit box, then click the funnel icon to apply filtering to the folder trees. Filtering is case-insensitive. Match occurs if filter text is found anywhere in the folder trees.

When a Folder is Selected

  • Share Folder - Shares a folder with user roles and individual users. Applies to shared cabinet folders only.

    Note: See guidelines for share rights to objects within folder trees in the Folder Rights topic.

  • Add Folder - Creates a new folder underneath the selected cabinet or folder.
  • Delete Folder - Deletes a selected folder.
  • Rename Folder - Renames a selected folder.
  • New Procedure - Opens the Agent Procedure Editor to create a new procedure in the selected folder of the folder tree.
  • Import Folder/Procedure - Imports a folder or procedure as children to the selected folder in the folder tree.

    Note: Legacy scripts can be imported into Kaseya 2.

  • Export Folder - Exports the selected folder and all its procedures as an XML file. The XML file can be re-imported.
  • Take Ownership - Takes ownership of a folder you do not own. This option only displays for master role users.

When a Procedure is Selected

  • Edit Procedure - Opens the Agent Procedure Editor to edit the selected procedure.
  • Delete Procedure - Deletes the selected procedure.
  • Export Procedure - Exports the selected procedure.
  • Rename Procedure - Renames the selected procedure.

Creating / Editing Agent Procedures

To create a new procedure, select a cabinet or folder in the middle pane, then click the New Procedure button to open the Agent Procedure Editor.

To edit an existing procedure, select the procedure, then click the Edit Procedure button to open the Agent Procedure Editor. You can also double-click a procedure to edit it.

Note: Access to creating or editing a procedure depends on your Folder Rights.

Running / Scheduling / Viewing Agent Procedures

When a procedure is selected in the middle pane, the following tabs display In the right-hand pane:

  • Schedule - Select one or more machine IDs in this tab's table, then click one of the following action buttons:
    • Schedule Procedure - Schedule a task once or periodically. Each type of recurrence—Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly—displays additional options appropriate for that type of recurrence. Periodic scheduling includes setting start and end dates for the recurrence. Not all options are available for each task scheduled. Options can include:
      • Distribution Window - Reschedules the task to a randomly selected time no later than the number of periods specified, to spread network traffic and server loading.
      • Skip if offline - If checked and the machine is offline, skip and run the next scheduled period and time. If blank and the machine is offline, run the task as soon as the machine is online again.
      • Power up if offline - If checked, powers up the machine if offline. Requires Wake-On-LAN or vPro and another managed system on the same LAN.
      • Exclude the following time range - If checked, specifies a date/time range to not perform the task.

        Note: You can stagger the running of scheduled agent procedures using Agent Procedures > Distribution.

    • Run Now - Run this agent procedure on each selected machine ID immediately.
    • Cancel - Cancel the scheduled agent procedure on each selected machine ID.
  • View Procedure - Provides a display only view of the procedure. A user can execute an agent procedure and view it without necessarily being able to edit it. See Folder Rights for more information.

Agent Procedure Failure Alerts

The Alerts - Agent Procedure Failure page triggers an alert when an agent procedure fails to execute on a managed machine. For example, if you specify a file name, directory path or registry key in an agent procedure, then run the agent procedure on a machine ID for which these values are invalid, you can be notified about the agent procedure failure using this alerts page.

Logging Failed Steps in Procedures

The System > Configure page includes the following option - Enable logging of procedure errors marked "Continue procedure if step fail" - If checked, failed steps in procedures are logged. If blank, failed steps in procedures are not logged.

View Definitions

You can filter the display of machine IDs on any agent page using the following agent procedure options in View Definitions.

  • With procedure scheduled/not scheduled
  • Last execution status success/failed
  • Procedure has/has not executed in the last N days