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Kaseya® Virtual System Administrator™ Online User Assistance

Welcome to Kaseya 2

Some things to keep in mind as you navigate online user assistance:


You can view VSA training videos at Click the Kaseya LMS link under the Education folder.

Kaseya 2 Installation or Upgrade

1. Installation/Upgrade Video

Review the installation/upgrade planning video.

2. What's New Presentation

Watch the What's New presentation and review the Release Notes and Known Issues documents.

3. System Requirements

Review the system requirements and ensure you have adequate hardware and software to run the install or update.

4. Platform Configuration and Prerequisites

Review the changes to the platform configuration that will be made and checked by the installer.

5. Installation Guide

When you're ready to install or upgrade, carefully follow the instructions in this step‑by‑step installation/upgrade guide.

6.Kaseya SSRS Configuration

Provides additional guidance on integrating SQL Services Reporting Services with Kaseya.


You can download a PDF version of the following documents. You must have Acrobat Reader installed on your system to view the PDF file.

Quick Start Guides

Getting Started

A quick start guide. This is the same content as the Getting Started chapter included in the VSA online user assistance.

User Administration

A quick start guide.

Agent Configuration and Deployment

A quick start guide.

Live Connect

A quick start guide.

Monitoring Configuration

A quick start guide.

Configuring Log Parsers Step-by-Step

A quick start guide.

User Guides

Kaseya® Virtual System Administrator™ User Guide

This guide is the same content as the VSA online user assistance.

VSA API Web Service User Guide

A quick start guide. This is the same content as the VSA API Web Service chapter included in the VSA online user assistance.

User Guides and Online Help for Add-on Modules

Backup User Guide

This guide is the same content as the KB online user assistance.

Kaseya Endpoint Security User Guide

This guide is the same content as the KES online user assistance.

Desktop Policy and Migration User Guide

This guide is the same content as the KDPM online user assistance.

Kaseya Service Desk User Guide

This guide is the same content as the KSD online user assistance.


See the Request Support topic for support options.

This version of online user assistance for VSA 6.0.1 was generated 1/20/2011.