File SourceThe File Source page defines where each machine gets patch executable files from, prior to installation, and where these patch executables are copied to the local machine. File source locations include:
Note: Selecting the File share located on option below affects where Backup and Kaseya Endpoint Security is installed from. Note: Patch download links with a View Definitions You can filter the display of machine IDs on any agent page using the Machines with Patch File Source configuration option in View Definitions. Apply Click Apply to apply the selected patch source option to selected machine IDs. Copy packages to working directory on local drive with most free space Patches are downloaded, or copied from a file share, to the managed machine's hard disk. Several patches, especially service packs, may require significant additional local disk space to completely install. Check this box to download patches to the Working Directory, but use the drive on the managed machine with the most free disk space. Uncheck this box to always use the drive specified in Working Directory for the machine ID. Delete package after install (from working directory) The install package is typically deleted after the install to free up disk space. Uncheck this box to leave the package behind for debugging purposes. If the install fails and you need to verify the Command Line switches, do not delete the package so you have something to test with. The package is stored in the Working Directory on the drive specified in the previous option. Download from Internet Each managed machine downloads the patch executable file directly from the internet at the URL specified in Patch Location. Pulled from system server First the KServer checks to see if it already has a copy of the patch file. If not, the new patch executable is downloaded automatically and stored on the KServer, then used for all subsequent distributions to managed machines. When a patch needs to be installed on a managed machine, this patch file is pushed to that machine from the KServer. Note: The location for patch files stored on the KServer is Clear Cache Click Clear Cache to clear all downloaded patches stored on the KServer. Pulled from file server using UNC path This method is recommended if you support many machines on the same LAN. Patch files are downloaded to the local directory of a selected machine ID. The local directory on the machine ID is configured to be shared with other machine IDs on the same LAN. All other machine IDs on the same LAN use a UNC path to the shared folder located on the first machine ID. All other machines on the same LAN require a credential to access the shared folder on the first machine and install the patch files. A credential is specified for the first machine with the shared directory using Agent > Set Credential. Setup
Select All/Unselect All Click the Select All link to check all rows on the page. Click the Unselect All link to uncheck all rows on the page. Check-in status These icons indicate the agent check-in status of each managed machine:
Edit icon Click the edit icon Machine.Group ID The list of Machine.Group IDs displayed is based on the Machine ID / Group ID filter and the machine groups the user is authorized to see using System > User Security > Scopes. Patch Source Lists the patch source selected for each machine ID. A Clear Cache button displays in this column if the Pulled from file server using UNC path option is selected for a machine ID. Clicking this Clear Cache button clears patches from the specified file server UNC path. The Clear Cache button is not machine specific. All patches stored on that file server for the specified path will be deleted. | |||
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