Dashboard ListThe Dashboard List page is the VSA's primary method of visually displaying monitoring data, including triggered alarm conditions. The Dashboard List page maintains configurable monitoring windows called Dashboard Views. Each dashboard contains one or more panes of monitoring data called Dashlets. Each VSA user can create their own customized dashboards. Adding Dashboard Views and Dashlets To add a new dashboard:
Configuring Dashlet Options You can size and position each dashlet within the Dashboard View. You can also access additional configuration options for each dashlet by clicking the configure icon
Add Dashboard Click Title Enter a title for your dashboard and click the filter icon My Dashboards If checked, only the dashboards you are the owner of display. View Displays the view icons available for each dashboard.
Owner The owner of the dashboard. Note: You must take ownership of the dashboard to modify it. Title The name of the dashboard. Description The description of the dashboard. Load on Startup If checked, this dashboard displays when the user logs in. Choices apply only to the currently logged in user. | |||
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