PreferencesThe Preferences page sets system-wide preferences that apply only to the currently logged on user. This includes the email address where you receive alert messages. Note: Three options on this page apply to all users and only display for master role users: setting the System Default Language Preference and the Download button for installing language packs, and Show shared and private folder contents from all users. Note: See VSA Logon Policies for a summary of functions affecting user logons. Set email address to deliver messages for this administrator to Specifies the email address that alerts, ticket notifications and other email messages will be sent to. After entering the email address, click Apply to make it active. Previously set alerts retain the original email recipient addresses specified when the alerts were set. Set first function after logon Select the name of the function you want to see when you first log on to the KServer. Set delay before displaying detail information when hovering over information icon A Select time zone offset Select one of the following time zone offset options, then click Apply.
Set up language preferences
Show shared and private folder contents from all users - Master Admin Only If checked, a master role user has visibility of all shared and private folders. For private folders only, checking this box provides the master role user with all access rights, equivalent to an owner. Note: A master role user can get all access rights to any shared folder by taking ownership. Select display format for long names The web pages are designed to display well for typical string sizes. Occasionally data fields contain long names that will not display properly on the web pages. You can specify how long names display as follows:
Clear Snooze Click Clear Snooze to clear all outstanding task notification messages. Task notification messages are generated for tasks that are assigned to you and for tasks that are past due. Tasks are defined using the InfoCenter > View Dashboard page. Defaults Click Defaults to reset all settings to system defaults for this user. | |||
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