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The Deployment page creates profiles that specify how and when deployments are executed on assigned machines. The deployment profile can be assigned on this page or on the Machines page.


Machines Assigned

Machines can also be assigned profiles using the Machines page.

Deployment Profile Options

Reboot Options

Reboot prompts and warnings occur after the install.

Note: If patch deployments configured with Reboot immediately after update happen to complete within any blackout window, reboots will be suspended until the next scheduled deployment window.


The following options select an agent procedure to run before or after an update or reboot.

Note: Pre-reboot procedures will be honored even when reboot is not initiated by patch or profile.


Schedules recurring deployments. The recurring schedule for a deployment typically follows the recurring schedule for a Scan and Analysis scan by at least several hours.

Blackout Window

Blackout windows prevent schedule deployments from being run during specified days/times of the week. A scheduled run time can only be specified outside of a blackout window.

Note: If a scheduled deployment enters a blackout window and an in-progress installation completes within the window the agent(s) will perform the reboot action specified in the profile. This reboot is done as a safety measure to ensure ensure the machine is not left in a bad state (reboot pending), in the case where the next deployment start time might be days, weeks, or months, after this deployment. The reboot will be followed by a verification scan to ensure patches were installed successfully.