The Change Logon page sets your VSA logon username and password. These preference options apply only to the currently logged on user.
Note: See VSA Logon Policies for a summary of functions affecting user logons.
Changing Your VSA Logon Name and/or Password
To change your logon name and password:
Note: The Username field cannot be edited if Prevent anyone from changing their logon is checked in System > Logon Policy.
Note: If you would like the system to generate a strong password for you, click Suggest. A dialog box displays showing the new password; the new password is automatically entered in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Be sure to write it down before clicking OK and closing the dialog box.
Note: Clicking the Forgot Password? link on the logon page—if activated using the System > Site Customization > Logon Page tab—emails you a link where you can change your password. To change your password, you must have already filled out a Security Question and Security Answer using System > Change Logon.
Note: The Discovery add-on module can be used to manage VSA user logons and Portal Access logons using domain logons.