Version Number - Shows the version number of the system.
Installed Patch Level – Shows the installed patch level of the system.
Available Patch Level – Shows the highest patch level available to install.
Patch Release Notes and Installation Instructions – Click this link to see the latest patch release notes and instructions on how to update your system with the latest patches.
Check Latest Patch Level - Click to check if there are any new available patches.
Warn if the server cannot get data from - Check this box to display a warning if your VSA cannot connect to to fetch the latest PCI ID list used by audit. Your VSA attempts to automatically fetch this information from Verify that the server can connect outbound to port 80 on and that its responses are not blocked by your firewall.
Warn when the license reaches the maximum number of seats - Check this box to display a warning when the number of machine ID accounts reaches the maximum for your VSA.
Reapply Schema / Defrag Database
Warning: Do not use the Microsoft SQL tuning advisor against the schema. It adds keys that conflict with the smooth operation of the system.
Click Reapply Schema to re-install and validate the last database schema that was downloaded using Check for Update. Reapply schema is a safe operation that users can run in an attempt to resolve a variety of problems. Reapply schema:
Sets default values and runs basic consistency checks on the database.
Rebuilds all pre-defined Kaseya procedures.
Rebuilds all pre-defined Kaseya procedure samples.
Reschedules default backend processing procedures for the Kaseya Server.
Only runs automatically when the Kaseya Server is updated or an add-on is installed.
This is all completed without the risk of losing any agent data. This is a good self healing routine to run if you observe:
Procedures failing in the IF condition or in specific steps.
Pending alerts not being processed within a two minute interval. You can monitor this using the System > Statistics page. This might indicate a problem with backend processing procedures.
Click Defrag Database to defragment the physical files on your disk arrays. Fragmented SQL Server data files can slow I/O access.
Sample Data
Reload sample scripts with every update and database maintenance cycle - Check to reload sample agent procedures.
Reload sample event sets with every update and database maintenance cycle - Check to reload sample event sets.
Reload sample monitor sets with every update and database maintenance cycle - Check to reload sample monitor sets.
VSA 2FA Configuration
Important Note: In the case where a user account or IP address is whitelisted in the AuthAnvil two-factor module, the same user account and/or IP address will be subject to Kaseya’s native two-factor authentication.
There is a mechanism on Kaseya side, where Master Admin can enforce VSA 2FA throughout all the tenants by making the necessary changes on the server.
Master Admin can configure VSA 2FA in the following ways:
Configure the number of days 2FA Devices are remembered by default for all users of all tenants a particular Master Admin is responsible for.
Remove remembered 2FA devices for all users among the tenants a particular Master Admin is responsible for.
To configure the server changes:
Log into the VSA as a Master Admin.
Navigate to System > Server Management > Configure page.
Enable the Require Two-Factor Authentication (Otherwise 2FA is Optional) checkbox.
Note: When the setting is enabled, tenants will be disabled to require 2FA for particular users and the Server Management > Logon Policy >All administrators are required to use 2FA checkbox becomes disabled for tenants.
Note: Tenant users who have completed 2FA Enrollment Process, will not be required to complete it again after the Require Two-Factor Authentication (Otherwise 2FA is Optional) setting is enabled.
Automatically redirect to https at logon page (except when accessing via localhost) - If checked, ensures all users logging into the VSA remotely use the secure HTTPS protocol.
Note: You can redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, not just specified ports, by adding the --redirectHttpToHttps option to the Arguments value in the <KaseyaInstallationDirectory>\Services\KaseyaEdgeServices.config file. For example: "Arguments": "--listenPort 80,443,5721 --redirectHttpToHttps"
Enable VSA API Web Service - Check to enable the VSA API Web Service.
Third-Party App
Enable Third Party App Installation Globally - Check to enable Third Party App installation globally.
Patch Management
Enable Invalid Patch Location Notifications - Microsoft sometimes prepares patches that do not allow the File Source function to download patches successfully. If checked, this option notifies Kaseya that an "invalid patch location" exists for a patch required by any of the managed machines on your system. Notification alerts Kaseya to prepare a valid patch location manually and send it out as an updated patch location override for all customers to use. If blank, no notification is sent to Kaseya. You will still receive updated patch location overrides prepared in response to notifications reported by other customers, regardless of this setting.
Note: Notification sends no customer-specific or machine-specific information to Kaseya.
Allow non-authenticated users to download attachments from ticket notifications - If checked, links to attachments embedded in the notes of tickets can be opened in outbound emails without requiring the user to authentic themselves to the VSA. For security reasons, enabling this option is not recommended.
Database Backups
Run database backup / maintenance every <N> Days @ <Time> - The Kaseya Server automatically backs up and maintains the MS-SQL database and transaction log for you. Click Set Period to set the frequency and time selected. If your Kaseya Server is shut down at the scheduled backup time, the backup will occur the next time the Kaseya Server goes online. You can enter zero to disable recurring backups.
Backup folder on KServer - Set the directory path to store database backups in. The default directory path is typically C:\Kaseya\UserProfiles\@dbBackup. Click Change to confirm changes to the directory path. Click Default to reset the directory path to its default.
Database backups older than three times the backup and maintenance period are discarded automatically to prevent your disk drive from filling up. For example, if the backup occurs every 7 days, any backup older than 21 days is deleted.
If the backup folder is on a different drive to where SQL Server is installed, the NETWORK SERVICE account should be added to the folder access list with Modify permissions.
Change DB - Connect your Kaseya Server to a database on a different machine.
Backup your existing ksubscribers database by clicking Backup Now in the System > Configure page.
Copy the database backup file to the database server you wish to connect to.
Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on the new database server to restore the ksubscribers database. Right click Databases > Restore Databases...
Verify the restored ksubscribers database is set to mixed mode authentication.
In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) right click the restored ksubscribers database and select Properties.
Click the Security tab.
Under authentication, select SQL Server and Windows.
Verify your Kaseya Server is on the same LAN as your new database server and port 1433 is open on the database server.
Click the Change DB button.
Enter the database location using one of the following formats:
computer name
computer name\instance name
IP address
Enter a database logon name. The default logon name is sa.
Note: This logon is only used to configure the database. The system creates its own database logon to use going forward.
Enter the password associated with this logon name.
Click Apply. The system then connects to the remote database and configures it.
At the end of the process IIS will be reset. Wait about 1 minute for it to complete.
Refresh the VSA, and re-log in.
Return to the Configure page and click the Reapply Schema link near the top of the page. Wait for it to complete.
Backup Now - Initiate a full database backup now. Use this function before you shut down or move your Kaseya Server, to ensure you have the latest Kaseya Server data saved to a backup. The backup will be scheduled to run within the next 2 minutes.
Restore - Click to restore the Kaseya Server's database from a backup file. A file browser displays a list of Kaseya Server database backup files you can restore from.
Note: After a restore of a 5.1 database, the SSRS URL will be invalid and need to be reset. After a restore of a 6.x database the SSRS URL may be invalid and need to be reset.
Archiving of agent logs are enabled, by log and machine ID, using Agent > Log History.
Archive and purge logs every day at <time> - Specifies the time of day log files are archived and purged.
Set Period - Click to confirm changing the time log files are purged and archived.
Log file archive path - The file location where the archive files are stored.
Note: Monitoring data log archives—identified on the Agent > Log History page—are stored in the <KaseyaRoot>\UserProfiles\@dbBackup directory. This is to improve performance on systems where the database is on a different server. All other agent log archives are stored in the directory specified by the System > Configure > Log file archive path field.
Change - Click to the confirm changing the archive file location. A procedure runs to move any existing archive files in the old file location to the new file location.
Default - Resets the log file archive path to the default location on the Kaseya Server. A procedure runs to move any existing archive files in the old file location to the new file location.
Server Status
KServer Log - Displays the last 300 kbytes of the Kaseya Server's log file. The entire log file is up to 5 Mbytes in size and is located at xx\KServer\KServer.log where xx is the parent directory of the VSA web directory.
Live Connect KServer - An agent is automatically installed on the Kaseya Server. You can click the check-in icon for this agent to initiate a Live Connect session with the Kaseya Server.
Stop KServer - Shows the current status of the Kaseya Server: running or stopped. The Kaseya Server can be stopped by clicking Stop Service.
Enable alarm generation - Uncheck to prevent generating unnecessary alarms. This can occur if you stop the Kaseya Server, disconnect from the internet, or maintain the system. Otherwise leave this box checked.
Restart MsgSys - Restarts the MessageSys service. This service is the application server that manages requests from VSA application users.
Enable logging of script errors marked "Continue procedure if step fail" - If checked, failed steps in procedures are logged. If blank, failed steps in procedures are not logged.
Enable logging of successful child script execution in agent procedure log - If unchecked, child script success entries are not included in the agent procedure log. This can reduce the size of the agent procedure log tremendously. It takes up to 5 minutes for the KServer to read this setting change.
Server Settings
Select time format - Click the appropriate radio button to select how time data is displayed. The default is AM/PM format. Both these display formats are compatible with Microsoft Excel.
AM/PM format - 9:55:50 pm 9-Apr-07
24-hour format - 21:55:50 9-Apr-07
Note: Time offset is set in System > Preferences. The date format is set in System > Local Settings.
Change external name / IP address of Server - Shows the current external name or IP address of the Kaseya Server. This is the address the agents of managed machines access for check-in purposes. The address can be changed by entering a new address or host name in the field and pressing Change Name/IP.
Note: Do not use a computer name for your Kaseya Server. The agent uses standard WinSock calls to resolve a IP address from a fully qualified host name. Resolving an IP address from a computer name requires NETBIOS, which may or may not be enabled on each computer. NETBIOS is an optional last choice that the Windows will attempt to use to resolve a name. Therefore, only fully qualified names or IP addresses are supported.
Change agent check-in name / IP address - Add DNS name or IP address if the default check-in address for new agents needs to be different from the webserver address specified in the "Change external name / IP address of Server" field.
Reporting Services Configuration - Click the Change Reporting Config... button to specify the URL used by the VSA to connect to Reporting Services. You can also specify the credential used to access Reporting Services and customize the URL displayed in the header of all VSA reports.
Specify port Agents check into Server with - Entering a different port and clicking Change Port switches the port the Kaseya Server uses immediately.
Warning: Before you change the Kaseya Server port ensure that all agents are set to use the new port with their primary or secondary Kaseya Server. Agent check-ins are configured using Agent > Check-in Control.
KServer ID - ID used to bind agents to the Kaseya Server - The unique identifier for this Kaseya Server. Bound agents cannot check-in successfully unless the unique Kaseya Server ID they are bound to using the Agent > Check-in Control page matches the unique ID assigned to the Kaseya Server using the System > Configure > Change ID option. Prevents IP address spoofing from redirecting agent check-ins. Only change the Kaseya Server ID if you are installing a fresh VSA and wish to duplicate the ID of an existing Kaseya Server with agents already bound to it.
Version Information
Displays the following information about your VSA configuration.
OS Version
IIS Version
Kaseya Server Version
SQL Version
Database Location
Agent On Kaseya Server
Release Notes - Click Release Notes to display a list of all changes and enhancements made to the VSA, for all versions of the software.
Show License - Click Show License to display the current license agreement to use the VSA.