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System administrator console

The purpose of the system administrator console is to provide an easy way to perform recurring system administrative tasks. The interface is a normal Command Line Interface (CLI) that most system administrators are familiar with. Only operators flagged as system administrators can access the console.

To open the system administrator console, select System admin console from the Tools menu.

The system administrator console


  • calc - A built-in calculator for simpler calculations. Usage example:
calc 41+1
  • disable - Disables a feature in Network Monitor.
    • -all - Disables all the listed features.
    • -testing - Disables testing.
    • -actions - Disables execution of actions.
    • -statistics - Disables statistical storage.
    • -login - Disables logon for normal operators, but system administrators can logon.
  • dist-patch-gateways - Distributed Edition only. Starts patching all gateways that require patching.
  • dist-restart-server - Distributed Edition only. Restarts the Network Monitor distributed testing server.
  • dist-tarpit - Distributed Edition only. Add or removes IP numbers from the tar pit. The tar pit protects the server from brute force login attempts and DOS attacks.
    • -block - Blocks the specified IP number.
    • -unblock - Unblocks the specified IP number.
    • -list - Lists all IP numbers in the tar pit.
    • -blocktime - Sets the default block time, in minutes. Defaults to 20.
dist-tarpit -block
  • enable - Enables a feature in Network Monitor.
    • -all - Enables all the listed features.
    • -testing - Enables testing.
    • -actions - Enables actions.
    • -statistics - Enables statistical storage.
    • -login - Enables login for normal operators.
  • get-mac - Retrieves the MAC address for a certain IP number. Only IPs on the local area network of the Network Monitor host machine are likely to return a MAC address.
  • help - Displays help information for the different commands in the console. Type help <command> to display command specific help.
  • log-level - Adjusts the log level. When Network Monitor restarts, it defaults to the log level specified in the init.cfg file. The available values are 0, 1 and 2.
  • lookup - Queries a DNS server for information about a domain.
  • ping - Pings an IP number or host name.
  • resolve - Resolves a host name to an IP number.
  • send-mail - Sends an email to the specified address using the Network Monitor built in email client.
send-mail , "Testing KNM" , "This is a test mail"
  • send-wol - Sends a Wake on Lan packet to the specified host.
  • shutdown - Shutdowns Network Monitor and flushes all un-saved settings to disk.
  • status - Displays feature status information.
    • -thread - Displays current total number of threads that Network Monitor is using.
    • -threadpool - Displays the total number of threads in a thread pool.
    • -memory - Displays the current Network Monitor memory usage.
    • -cpu - Displays the current Network Monitor CPU usage.
    • -handle - Displays the current Network Monitor handle usage.
    • -feature - Displays the status of Network Monitor features.
  • time - Prints the local date and time of the Network Monitor host machine.
  • trace-route - Performs a trace route to the specified host.
  • version - Prints the version of Network Monitor. Can also be used to check if a new version of Network Monitor is available.
version -check