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MySQL monitor

Monitor description

This monitor type is capable of monitoring several key aspects of an MySQL database.

  • System type: All
  • Category: Database


The MySQL Administrator client access package must be installed on the Network Monitor host machine. This package can be found on the MySQL homepage: downloads/gui-tools.

After installation ensure the file path to libMysql.dll is in the Windows system path. This is normally taken care of during installation of the administrator package, and might require a reboot of the server. The Network Monitor nmservice.exe service must be restarted for the change to take effect. If Network Monitor cannot access this DLL file, the MySQL monitor fails with an error message specifying that it cannot find the libMysql.dll file.

MySQL monitor properties

Monitor specific properties

These fields are required to connect to the database to perform configured tests.

  • Logon account - The logon account contains the credentials to use when authenticating with the Oracle database.
  • Port - Port number which the database server listens to.
  • Database name - Name of database to connect to.

Performance monitoring options

  • Max thread count - A numeric value that represents the maximum number of running threads, if the number of running threads exceeds this value the monitor fails the test. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.
  • Max replication latency - A value in seconds that is the maximum difference in time between master and slave, if this time is exceeded the monitor fails the test. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.
  • Max slow queries - A slow query is defined as a query that has been running longer than the average time and exceeded the long_query_value time defined in the database configuration. Enter a numeric threshold value to make the test fail if the number of slow queries exceeds this value. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.
  • Max open tables - A numeric value that represents the maximum number of allowed open tables. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.
  • Queries per second average - A numeric value that represents the maximum number of running queries per seconds allowed. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.
  • Max users - Maximum number of users allowed to logon at the same time. Leave the field blank to not perform this test.

SQL query option

An optional SQL statement can be executed and its output compared to a predefined value using a compare operation.

  • SQL query - Optional SQL query to perform.
  • No rows fail - Check this option to make the monitor fail the test if the query returns no rows.
  • Compare value - Value to compare query result with.
  • Value type - Type of value that is compared with the retrieved from the database.
  • Operation - Operation to evaluate the returned query result and the compare value to determine if the test succeeded or failed.