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Web server

Monitor description

The monitor can test a web server and validate the content of the requested page. Verify that the content in the requested page has not changed since the previous test. Search for a string in the page and verify links. The monitor must execute one test before it shows the links it can verify in the property view.

  • System type: All
  • Category: Network services

Web server monitor property page

Monitor specific properties

  • URL - URL of the page to download, relative to the web server address.
  • Use secure HTTP - Check this option to enable the monitor to communicate using secure HTTP (SSL).
  • Port - Port number used to connect to the web server.
  • Username/password - Optional credentials to authenticate with web services.
  • Search string - The string the page searches for. If not found, the test fails.
  • Page fetch time - A threshold value in milliseconds. If the page is not delivered within the threshold value, the test fails.
  • User agent - Overrides the default user agent variable sent in the request.
  • Custom cookie - Optional cookie to send with the get request.
  • Custom host - Optional host header field to support named base virtual hosts.
  • Verify checksum - Check option to have the monitor calculate the checksum vale of the page. If the checksum value changes between two tests the current test fails. To reset the checksum, open the property page and save the monitor.
  • Ignore CN check - If checked the monitor does not validate the common name of the server certificate. This option is only valid if the monitor is using secure http.
  • Ignore date check - If checked the monitor does not validate the expiry date of the server certificate. This option is only valid if the monitor is using secure http.
  • Ignore CA check - If checked the monitor does not validate the certificate authority of the server certificate. This option is only valid if the monitor is using secure http.
  • Cert. store - Name of the system certificate store. Use only if you want the monitor to send a client certificate to the server.
  • Cert subject - Subject line of certificate to use in the system certificate store. Use only if you want the monitor to send a client certificate to the server.
  • Proxy server - Optional address of proxy server.
  • Proxy port - Optional server port of proxy server.

To reset the checksum test (if the page has been updated) open the monitor property page and uncheck the checksum flag and save it, then open the monitor property page again and check the checksum flag and save the monitor.