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WMI Query monitor

Monitor description

The WMI query monitor can be used to execute WQL queries and perform conditional testing of the returned value. The monitor can execute all standard WQL queries, but the returned value comparison is limited to one field of the returned data.

  • System type: Windows
  • Category: Performance

WMI Query monitor

  • Namespace - Name space to execute the query within. The default namespace is root\cimv2.
  • WQL - A WQL query.
  • Value name - The name of the value to retrieve when the query has been executed. If more then one result row is returned, the value is retrieved from the first row in the result set.
  • Data type - The unit of data sampled by the test. This makes it possible to group data from this type of monitor with other monitors such as CPU utilization in reports.
  • Compare value - Value to compare query result with.
  • Value type - Type of value returned by the query.
  • Operation - Operation to evaluate the returned query result and the compare value to determine if the test succeeded or failed.