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Authentication edit tab

The Authentication edit tab stores credentials used by Network Monitor to authenticate access to network assets. Credentials are managed using inheritance. That means you can set credentials for a single gateway or group in the monitor tree and all child assets and monitors will make use of them. Moreover you can be certain these same credentials will never be confused with other credentials set for other branches in the tree.

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For any one type of authentication, if Inherit credentials is checked, the credentials are inherited from a higher level node. If the checkbox is uncheck, enter credentials for this type of authentication. These credentials will be used by this node and all lower level nodes that inherit this type of authentication. If the name of specified credentials does not display in parentheses next the name of the higher level node, it means that credentials are not yet defined at the higher level node.

Types of authentication include:

CIM account
Exchange account
FTP account
HTTP account
IMAP account
LDAP account
MySQL account
ODBC account
Oracle account
POP3 account
RADIUS account
SMTP account
SQL server account