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NOC edit tab

The NOC edit tab assigns a group, gateway or asset node to a NOC view.

Network Operation Center (NOC) widgets are compact, full-screen information views that display the status of a collection of networks and assets. They are normally displayed on dedicated monitors.

NOC views display group, gateway and asset status hierarchically, in a matrix format. All groups, gateways and assets are listed vertically, with the status for each monitor type horizontally. The overall status is shown in the large colored rectangle at the left.

Configuring a NOC view and widget

  1. Define one or more NOC views using the Network Monitor Settings > NOC configuration page.
  2. A gateway node or group node must be assigned to at least one NOC view using the Edit > NOC tab.
  3. Select Dashboard > Add widget > NOC widget.
  4. Select the icon on the right side of the widget title bar to configure the following settings.